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Windows 7 Pro end of life gets closer


PCHF Tech News
Jan 10, 2015
Microsoft has announced that it will begin notifying Windows 7 Pro users regarding its plan to stop updating the operating system from January 14, 2020.

Windows 7 Home users already started to receive these notifications in March. Now they'll start showing up on the devices of the operating system's professional users.

However, in its announcement, Microsoft noted that “devices that are domain joined as a part of an IT-managed infrastructure will not receive the notifications”.

Windows 7 Pro users will soon begin seeing notifications which include a “learn more” button that will take them to a page on Microsoft's website where they can learn more about Windows 10 and the devices that run the operating system.

Windows 7 end of life

By showing off all the improvements that have been made to Windows 10 since its release in 2015 while simultaneously reminding users that Windows 7 will soon stop receiving security updates and new features, Microsoft hopes to finally convince any users that have been putting off the update to its latest operating system.

The notifications sent to Windows 7 users also help ensure that they won't be surprised when the operating system stops receiving updates in a few months.

After the short lifespan of Windows Vista, Windows 7 showed users that Microsoft could make a modern operating system that they would want to use. It first debuted in 2009 and was supported until 2015 but times have changed and so too has the direction Microsoft is taking its Windows operating system.

If you're still running Windows 7, now is the time to upgrade as after January 14, 2020, those still using the outdated operating system will leave themselves open to hackers and other security threats.

Via Tom's Hardware


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using windows 7 right now is a bog threat to users or organizations because it is a discontinued product and will reach end of support in january 4 2020. After this date the users will lose complete support and security updates which will make them very prone to hackers scammers. I think everybody should upgrade to windows 10 because it is the latest and greatest operating system by microsoft and very secure because it gets regular updates and its UI is very user friendly