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Solved WhatsApp Business restoration

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Hello, I don't find anywhere how to restore/transfer a WhatsApp Business account to a new phone if the old/primary phone is unusable. If I could double check whether there is a WhatsApp Business back-up on Drive I would go ahead and use the back-up restoration process, but in the drive I only see one WhatsApp back-up, does that mean it's only WhatsApp standard that was backed-up? Or WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business are backed up in the same file?
I tried asking WhatsApp Business support but no reply, and this is an info I can't find anywhere, I backed up my regular WhatsApp without issues but would need this info before starting the process with the Business version. Thanks.
Would like to mark this as SOLVED. I managed to restore a backup I didn't know I had by refusing the six-digit verification code during the restoring process and requesting a phone call instead.
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