Upgrade path 6750 xt - i5-12400f

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PCHF Member
Jul 19, 2024
So, I'm currently buying my parts for my pc, here is a link to pc part picker if needed,

I just want to know later in the future, what would be my upgrade path? maybe to 1440p but currently I'm looking to use 1080p with 6750 XT( yes I know it works well in 1440p )
nothing to special I'm just a regular gamer, mostly CPU more intense games but in general its balanced, for future games and graphics
Some considerations;
  • have you considered Core i7's
  • The micro ATX mobo doesn't allow much room for expansion, look at full sized ATX. You get more fan headers, and NVMe slots for example. Yes, may need bigger case, but that also allows for bigger GPU's down the track
  • Definitely do not get that Bronze PSU
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