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Solved Under 90days owned PC, under 10 days of hell

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tom g

PCHF Member
May 22, 2024
I am in need of other possible solutions, so here’s hoping.

Bought a pre-built (yeah, yeah I know) about 2 months ago, huge upgrade compared to what I had. Everything worked better than I could’ve ever imagined, really got the feel of enjoying this side of gaming.

Then everything came tumbling down. Little over 2 months of everything running smooth, now became a distant memory.

Major monitor stutters. Not input lag, as I could hear input sounds even with the screen frozen. It varies from 1-2 second stutters of no FPS to sometimes nearly a minute straight. But in those frozen moments, if I hit an in-game button, I hear the sound of that animation occurring sync’d to when I hit it without lag.

Example: Escape From Tarkov. When screen is frozen, I can reload, lay down, etc. I hear it real-time (this is not the only game this happens in)

Additionally, not every time it crashes, but sometimes it will crash, reboot itself and nothing transmits to the monitor. Rig will run, lights and fans running, but no visual. I’ve let this sit for over an hour straight and it never boots up login screen.

Ryzen 7900X
Nvidia 4070ti
32GB ram
1TB NVME SSD windows drive
800W psu
Multiple fans and liquid cooling (heat has never been an issue, even while it starts to crash, all hardware is well below problem temps)

The only hardware I added aside from those specs were additional hard drives, but I put those in on day 1 of the new rig and haven’t had issues until now, so I doubt they were the issue. That said, they have been removed to rule those out and no changes

I have done windows factory resets (no saved data) several times with the same outcomes. Updated gpu drivers, defragged, tuned down any game settings to minimum specs to avoid stressing. Nothing. I feel like I could boot Minecraft and it would shut itself down.

I went from having an incredibly pleasing rig to basically a night stand in the matter of a week. What am I missing? Is there a recommended program to find where the fault is coming from? Why do I hate technology now?
Let’s show all the hardware and software on the PC.

Get Speccy by Piriform.
In Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
Paste that link into your post. Is Speccy safe?

Give the make/model of the Power Supply Unit. 800w doesn't help much. :)

Get MiniToolBox by FarBar.
In MTB, tick List Installed Programs, click Go then close the program.
A file MTB.txt is created in the same folder, attach that in your post.
The Speccy and MTB reports are very sparse.
Looks like a lot of areas couldn't be identified, for whatever reason.

When you did the factory reset, was that a complete wipe and start from scratch reload of Windows?
If so, where did you get the Windows version from and what method did you use to install it?
I did a complete wipe with a fresh Windows install a few hours beforehand. The Windows 11 version came with the prebuilt and I installed using local files and not cloud storage.

Update (maybe): I have not had a full crash since the fresh wipe. I've had times where both monitors would go black, but they return in ~5sec. Running internet browsers do not impact on performance. When I do have any sort of stutter issues, CPU, GPU, network, memory, disk; all of them are operating at 20% or less "Utilization" from what Task Manager processes tell me

If the Speccy and MTB reports are sparse, is there anything else I could provide to show more crucial information? Other ideas?

Sorry for the slow response time. Thought I could fix it myself ):
So those issues just mentioned, they are happening after the wipe and fresh install?

Let's try another program and see if it has better luck.

Download GetSystemInfo by Kapspersky.
Run it (takes about 6mins), unticking all options.
It will make a ZIP file on your desktop, drag that to the GSI Parser site.
Once analysed, paste the newly created URL into your post.
The "both monitors would go black" portion happened before the fresh install and after. The only difference is the "before" instance would have a complete system crash most of the time.

Not sure if this is the correct link you're looking for, but I'll keep the analyzer open just in case.

Thank you for your attempts to help, by the way. It is greatly appreciated.
These are just suggestions to increase performance, if there is a hardware issue, then it will not help.

Do these in the order listed. Then try and launch your game.

Disable windows updates prior to gaming.
Use this tool in extreme mode.
Use Defender control to disable defender.
Use Kill Em All -- This will close all non windows programs and running processes non essential to your computer. Note: This will close your browser, so save anything if needed prior to running.

After the 4 clicks have been accomplished, launch your game now and see how it goes.

Also there is this tool, which can increase performance.

IF You connect via wireless so you will need to enter the following commands in command prompt.
So you will need to enter these commands in Elevated Command prompt after running Easy Service Optimizer, if you so choose to run it.
Copy and paste each command one at a time and hit enter after.

sc start WlanSvc

sc config WlanSvc start= auto


Also if you have not done so then re seat all of your hardware if the above does not help .

And if still no luck, my next suggestion would be another wipe and fresh install, but this time;
  • use the Windows Media Creation Tool to get the latest Windows image and create a bootable USB stick
  • use that stick, set BIOS to boot from USB first
  • only have one drive connected and the PC off the web
  • reinstall Windows (stay off the web)
  • install motherboard drivers and GPU drivers
  • get on the web, activate Windows and get Windows Updates
  • don't install games or other software - run the rig for a couple of days and see how it goes
  • if all good, introduce one new thing at a time and retest for a while
  • repeat until problem occurs or all software reloaded
I will keep these last ideas in mind if needed. As of now, reseating the RAM has currently (fingers crossed) resolved all issues. PC fans even seem to be running quieter. I feel confident enough to say this post can be closed. Thank you all for your help
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