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Tapping process

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What is the meaning of tapping process in the passage:
The idea of incorporating an integrated cirucit chip onto a plastic card was first introduced by the German engineer Helmut Grottrup.. In February 1967, Grottrup filed the patents DE1574084 and DE1574075 in West Germany for a tamper-proof identification switch based on a semiconductor device and described contactless communication via inductive coupling. Its primary use was intended to provide individual copy-protected keys for releasing the tapping process at unmanned gas stations. In September 1968, Grottrup, together with Jurgen Dethloff as an investor, filed further patents for this identification switch, first in Austria and in 1969 as subsequent applications in the United States, Great Britain, West Germany and other countries.
Can someboy explain it to me?
From wikipedia in the volume smart card page.
phew - no idea, I guess going down many Google rabbit holes will be you friend here!

could tapping be the process of transferring the liquid from one location to another, ie: from the bowser to the car?
or is it adding a new pipe line to an existing one?

have you tried looking at the patent document, I believe they are retrievable online.
Can someboy explain it to me?
Explain what specifically?
It sounds like what we do with our credit cards today. Any pay source that has this symbol
contactless cc symbol.png
on it, you can simply "tap" your credit card on the surface for a few seconds and pay for your item. The credit or debit card itself also has to have this symbol to work.

In other words, it took roughly 30 years for the technology to be used widespread. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contactless_payment
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