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RTX 2080ti refusing to work in MEG z390

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My Specs are as follows:

Mobo: MSI MEG z390 Ace
PSU: Corsair Hx 850w
CPU: i7 9700k
GPU: Rog Rtx 2080ti
RAM: 16gb ddr4 (unsure of specifics)

I've used this setup for a while with no issue, however for a small amount of time the display would just turn off when doing seemingly arbitrary, non stress inducing things (like watching videos, using my email etc.) In the last few weeks, however, the graphics card refuses to display anything when the computer is turned on (fans and LEDS still turn on but no picture is shown), and my mobo is reading a "d6" error when turning on which I have come to assume is a power issue pertaining to the GPU. When i put a known working graphics card into the system (rtx 2060) it has no issue. When i put the 2080ti into a known working system, it works without hitch, and the system I put it into is a 750w, being a 100 less than the machine in question. I have tried the following things in an attempt to resolve the issue:
  • Removed all components bar the cpu and cooler
  • Unplugged the PSU and reseated the connections
  • Tried a different Cord to connect the PSU to the wall
  • Took the 750w power supply from the known working machine and put it into the problemed machine, no change - still reading d6 error with no display
  • Updated the bios to most current
  • Uninstalled all graphics drivers and reinstalled
  • cleared cmos and rebooted bios
Nothing above has resulted in any change of behavior for the machine and i'm at a bit of a loss. Ideally theres something i've been overlooking that could resolve the issue, however even if I wanted to just get a new part to solve the problem i would be unsure of what part is causing the issue, being as though every part has been tested and works, it just refuses to work with the 2080ti for some reason. Any pointers would be appreciated.
Is the PSU a HXi or HX Platinum?
What does it say on its sticker?

Due to the bad GPU working in another PC, and another GPU working in yours, I'd have to guess it's not the GPU at fault, but something unique to your rig, and the most likely culprit would be the PSU.
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