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Solved RAM confusion

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PCHF Member
Jun 12, 2021

My pc is working great now that I’ve gotten help from you guys.

But I was thinking: why do I have 4 RAM slots if I can only use 2?

If I were to buy two more would it change the bandwidth? I know that the amount of memory would stack up. But kinda useless if I never even reach that amount, which I never do.

And my motherboard has dual channel support. Can’t go over to 3200 MHz due to Lenovo’s motherboard settings…

My question being: would that change anything regarding the amount of MHz?
(not sure if it would so I thought I would ask here).

Thanks! :)
It would be of help if you provided the exact brand and model name or number of the Lenovo computer, had you done so I would be able to provide you with an answer in this reply and you be able to move on ;)
@Bruce @phillpower2
Well, I worded that wrong.

I can use two more ram sticks but, I don't know if that will change the RAM speed or not since my motherboard only has dual channel support.
Yet I find it funny that I can put in two extra RAM sticks in there because I don't think that I’ll ever need it.

Also, I cannot change RAM profile (XMP) so even when it was advertised as "3200" i only get 2400 MHz
memory gets the best results when working in pairs.
so yes, you could install an odd number of sticks but even numbers give the better performance.
also yes, the speed of memory won't change, just the capacity.
so you will come to a tipping point where you add more sticks but don't really notice a difference.
but that is just us dumb, slow, mostly bags of water, humans.
the PC will benefit when it comes to processes requiring memory resources and the biggest change I see is the PC can run more programs without slowing down.
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