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Problems with new Firefox

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Edge quit today so installed the new Firefox. I have had Firefox on my other pc for years.
When I tried to open Menards website, it tells me my browser is no longer supported and to enable JavaScript.
I have NoScript, Ghostery, UBlock and Privacy Badger installed, but disabling them one at a time has no effect, and allowing everything on NoScript doesn't either.
I have tried to find how to enable JavaScript on this new Firefox but nothing I've found works.

Thanks for any help!!
I navigated to https://www.menards.com/main/home.html on Chrome and Edge and Firefox. I haven't had Java installed for years. I also have uBlock installed on all browsers.

This tells me the multiple, similar extensions have tinkered something to death.

So, in Edge disable or remove all the extensions. Hit CTRL+F5 to reload cache. Let us know if this helps.

Also, in uBlock, if you have any addons or extra selections beyond default, can cause issues as well.
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