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pc gigabyte beeps 3 short beeps and wont open everytime untill reset from pins in motherboard

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Firstly: My Specs​

  • Processor: Intel Core i5-9400f
  • Motherboard: Gigabyte B365M DS3H
  • Graphics Card: Nvidia Gtx 1650 super
  • Ram: 8GB

Secondly: What did I do?​

I was trying to install windows 11 as I was checking the requirements I saw secure boot so I opened my bios settings but I did not see any secure boot so I searched the internet and I came across a video with steps, it was the following

  • firstly disable CSM support

-now after disabling csm the secure boot option appeared I clicked it and tried to enable it but this message appeared “Secure boot can be enabled when system in user mode. repeat operation after enrolling Platform Key(PK)”

-change the secure boot mode to custom

-click key management and update the platform key

-next, save and exit

-after that enter the bios again and enable a secure boot

-i did another step that I cant remember that was different from the video because the guy from the video had an amd cpu -everything was working fine and I installed windows 11 , I tried to lunch valorant but it said secure boot not enabled so I entered the bios and enabled it

  • when I saved and exited my PC wont open it just beeps 3 times and nothing else the PC is powered but no signal on display I tired lots of things I tried cleaning the ram stick removing the GPU and reinstalling it but same problem then I tried to reset bios through the pins in the motherboard and finally I heard one beep and PC booted I thought that was It and the PC is now fixed I used it as normal powered it off and next day powred on normally but when I restarted or powred of or some times (2-5) it just wont boot again and I hear the same 3 short beeps I reset bios settings from the pins and worked but then again restart or power off same problem and i got bored that everytime i want to use my PC i have to reset bios setting so what should i do i tried updating bios but same problem any suggestions.
it may be a coincidence but 3 beeps at startup usually means a memory or graphics card issue.

firstly, remove your memory sticks and graphics card, wipe the motherboard slots they use, and their contact pins and their circuit boards with a soft bristled brush.
that should remove any dust or oxidisation that may be preventing a good contact.
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