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password protected Samsung SSD

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when I installed a 1tb Samsung SSD drive I password protected it, as I am the only one using the computer, I would now like to remove this password, most of my photos are on this drive, I am using PS Elements and keep forgetting to enter the password before I start using the program is there any way of removing the password without reformatting the drive or have a reminder pop up when I start the computer? thanks in advance.
Did you use bitlocker or file encryption to lock the drive/files?
If bitlocker then the key should have been saved under your Microsoft account or printed out. Without this you cannot turn it off. If you have this then you should be able to do this under the encryption settings of the drive.
no did not use bit blocker or file encryption I just followed the install process when I installed the drive, so I will have to somehow automate the thing on startup, it's not a big problem, just a pain, how would I do this?
As the only way to password protect a drive are the ones I’ve mentioned I don’t know exactly what you did. Hard drives are usually plug n play, you may need to initialise &/or format but this doesn’t password protect it.
It may be Samsung have their own software which was used.
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