NVME Drive Will Not Boot

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PCHF Member
Jul 29, 2023
So strange situation I have. I was upgrading from a GTX 1660 video card to a Radeon RX 6750 XT should have been an easy peasy changeout.

But my issue now is that while BIOS detects the hard drive, it will not boot into windows. The computer will only boot to BIOS, I can boot to USB live images etc no issue, but my internal nvme drive (that has all of my data on it) seems to have somehow become corrupted bc of a video card change!

I tried to go back to the original video card the GTX 1660 and same issue!

Full system specs are:
Antec High Current Gamer HCG650 PSU

What do I need to do to get this booting again? I don't want to format and start over, I want to keep everything on this drive!!!

if it helps at all, I currently have a second SSD drive connected to the computer that boots into Ubuntu - my plan was to try to repair boot sector etc but I thought I should check with someone that knows what they are doing before I start screwing around and make data unrecoverable
Check the boot order and make sure that the drive is selected.

Sometimes just moving a system can cause something to come loose.
Reseat the drive
Data Cables
Power Cables
Check the boot order and make sure that the drive is selected.

Sometimes just moving a system can cause something to come loose.
Reseat the drive
Data Cables
Power Cables

Boot order is set to the internal drive it's a nvme drive
I've taken it out, put it back in
Reseated the RAM as well - all good tehre, both sticks light up.

Still have the issue.
with the likelihood excellent that, in the end, you'll be wiping the NVMe and reloading from scratch, boot the PC using the Ubuntu SSD, and copy the NVMe data to another location, even onto the Ubuntu SSD.

getting your files backed up first would be my priority.
at this stage I'm not saying wiping will be required, but there is that chance anyways, and for speed, instead of trying this, trying that, seeing if x,y,z works - sometimes I just bite that bullet and go straight for the big hammer and save all that middle work will has a good chance of proving futile.
but hey - if you get lucky, you'll save having to reload everything - that's the gamble.

so once you have the PC booting into Ubuntu, and you have the old drive connected, does Ubuntu see it and can you copy data off it?
at this stage I'm not saying wiping will be required, but there is that chance anyways, and for speed, instead of trying this, trying that, seeing if x,y,z works - sometimes I just bite that bullet and go straight for the big hammer and save all that middle work will has a good chance of proving futile.
but hey - if you get lucky, you'll save having to reload everything - that's the gamble.

so once you have the PC booting into Ubuntu, and you have the old drive connected, does Ubuntu see it and can you copy data off it?

so `lsblk` shows the drive....I am hoping that's a good sign.....

What is easiset way to copy the data from booted into Ubuntu?
Copy and paste to an external drive.

Do a few files at a time and check them to make sure that they are copied. Copying to may at one time can sometimes cause corruption, errors, lost data.

Think about making more than one copy as a precaution (2 drives) how important is your data?

Use the Windows install media DOS prompt to run Dispart and wipe the drive.

Then when you create the fresh install allow Windows to create the partitions for you automatically.

Remember to REMOVE the Linux drive prior to install.
so i'm having issues mounting the drive in my ubuntu....I keep getting this.

owner@owner-MS-7C56:~$ sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p4 /mnt/nvmeWindows is hibernated, refused to mount.The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in anunsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernationor fast restarting.)ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output errorFailed to read NTFS $Bitmap: Input/output errorFailed to read NTFS $Bitmap: Input/output errorNTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's aSoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windowsthen reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is veryimportant! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activateit and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g./dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentationfor more details.

How can I shutdown the partition from ubuntu so I can mount the partition?
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Read through entirely before following.

How can I shutdown the partition from ubuntu so I can mount the partition?
Disconnect power to the system and discharge the system since you cannot access Windows.

Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernationor fast restarting.)
Because windows automatically put drives into a special hibernation mode when shutting down for faster startups the above might be the only way. Which is why they suggest a restart every so often to clear the hibernation buffer.

There are a few ways we can attempt before we attempt that.

Access the system in Safe Mode

If you can access the system they run the following command in PowerShell or Command Prompt

powercfg.exe /hibernate off

If you are not able to access Safe Mode open terminal in Linux and type the following command.

hwinfo --short

This will give us they hardware list installed in the system and copy and paste the information in a separate post.
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