Not Getting Proper Download Speed

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PCHF Member
Aug 29, 2024
Hi All, this is my first post here and I am hoping for some help with an Internet problem. I have a Dell Inspiron 3670 Desktop with Windows 11 Home. 8 Gigs RAM, 150Gb SSD Hard drive. My computer has the Intel 9th Gen Core i5 CPU.

I am paying for 500Mb download speeds and until a week ago I was getting that as verified by the Ookla Speedtest. Now I am only getting 100Mb download speeds and this has me puzzled and I want to fix this. My ISP sent a technician out on Tuesday and he did a full check of everything and showed me on his network analyzer that I am getting 500Mb download to the computer end of the Cat6 cable but when I test the speed I am only seeing 100Mb downloads.

I have been doing some research and have tried things like flushing the DNS, Releasing and Renewing the IP Address, Resetting the WINSOCK and similar and no improvement and I am stumped on this one. Is it possible that the network adaptor (which is on the Motherboard) is going bad? This computer has built-in WiFi and Bluetooth and I have both turned off when I am not using them.

I also want to add that I have Edge as my primary browser and Firefox as my backup. I checked in Edge and the proxy server is turned off.

Does anyone have any suggestions? What have I overlooked? What do I need to do to fix this. Thank you everyone 🙂
First up, make sure you are comparing apples with apples.
That is, what website or program did he use to check the speeds and what did you use?
Was your network in the same state for him as it is for you - eg: number of devices, time of day, network activity, etc?

Have you seen if it's just your PC affected?
Have you done a speed test on your phone, laptop, other devices like smart TV?
Have you compared speeds when using ethernet vs wireless?

If this only started a week ago, have there been any changes - number of connections in the house, construction work in the street, new houses and people have just moved in and had internet connected?
First up, make sure you are comparing apples with apples.
That is, what website or program did he use to check the speeds and what did you use?
Was your network in the same state for him as it is for you - eg: number of devices, time of day, network activity, etc?

Have you seen if it's just your PC affected?
Have you done a speed test on your phone, laptop, other devices like smart TV?
Have you compared speeds when using ethernet vs wireless?

If this only started a week ago, have there been any changes - number of connections in the house, construction work in the street, new houses and people have just moved in and had internet connected?
@Bruce I will try what you suggest and reply here. Thank you.
Let’s see what’s going on, with the settings.

Please download MiniToolBox and save it to your desktop.
Run the program by right clicking on it and selecting Run as administrator.
When the program opens check mark Select All Then hit GO
Please post the log in your next reply. Attach or copy and paste, whatever is easier for you.

Speccy Scan.

  • Please go here and download Speccy.
  • Install and run the program.
  • Upon Completion:
  • Hit File
  • Publish Snap Shot
  • A link will appear, post that link.
@Bruce I just now used my cell phone (Samsung Galaxy A54) I used the Ookla Speed Test on my cell phone and got 495.71 Mbps.

To answer a few of your other questions:
When the Tech was here I used Edge (all updates and patches in place) and the Ookla Speed Test program and got approx. 100Mbps download speed. The Tech checked the entire system. He had some sort of Analyzer that he brought with him. First he got under my desk and unhooked the coax cable from the wall and plugged it into his tester and got 500Mbps. Then he screwed the coax cable back into the wall and tested the other end of the cable on his Analyzer and got 500Mbps. Lastly, he hooked the coax cable back up to the Cox modem/router and unplugged the Cat6 cable from my computer and tested it in his Analyzer and got 500Mbps.

The network was in the same state when I was using it that morning as it was when he came to my Condo. There have been no other devices added on in the house. There have been a few people moving into the building so that could explain it.

I knocked on my neighbor's door about 30 minutes and asked him if he has noticed his Internet being slower or reduced in speed and he said No.

As far as comparing Ethernet vs Wireless right now I can't do that. All I have is my desktop computer and my cell phone. I am going to ask a Man I work with if he will come by and bring his laptop so I can hook up my Cat6 Ethernet cable to it and do a speed test and also so I can check the WiFi speed over his laptop.

I just thought of something. back when I first started using Broadband I had a Linksys 300 series Modem/Router and I used to be able to access the software that ran the modem. If I remember right there was a way to see how many connections are on my Internet. I have the new DOCSIS 3.1 Cox Modem/Router. It is White and looks like the Alexis. Is there a way to access the software that runs that my current modem? If there is how do I do it and also how can I check to see if there are other people using my Internet? Thank you.
There certainly will be a way to log into the modem/router.
You just need to now its IP address.

If you start a command prompt and type in ipconfig it should be the Default Gateway address, usually something like
Should also be on a sticker on the unit somewhere, usually says;

Default login: admin
Default Password: admin
Default Address:

Or something along those lines.

Once in the modem/routers config menu, there'll be a page that shows current speeds, and another that shows connected devices, both ethernet and wireless.
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