Solved New PC- keeps stuttering

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PCHF Member
Jun 20, 2024
Hello guys,
I recently bought built PC - new parts, professional service etc. 4.9 stars on google.
Everything is fine except stuttering in games... Also when I start the PC after few seconds after boot, on desktop the mouse gets one stutter for half a sec. Is it normal? maybe...
The PC generates good FPS on high and ultra, BUT every minute or two I get one stutter for like few ms 🙂-D but I can notice it)... It is so annoying when even in Albion Online - med settings the game stutters where it should not have any issues with RTX 4060...
Here are my specs...
and why it says my GPU is 4GB? It is 8GB..?

I suggest using this tool to regain privacy and turn off unneeded settings.

Download DDU follow all directions to remove the Nvidia drivers.
Re-install Nvidia drivers with this tool, NVCleaninstall. Uncheck everything except the drivers.

Disable hibernation and turn power plan to balanced. You can do that with these two commands in elevated command prompt.

powercfg.exe /setactive 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e
powercfg -hibernate off

Find the best DNS server for your machine.

Reset your Hosts file.

  1. Click here to download RstHosts v2.0\
  2. Save the file to your desktop.
  3. Right Click and Run as Administrator.
  4. Click on Restaurer, then click OK at the prompt.
  5. This will restore the default host file.

Use Kill Em All -- This will close all non windows programs and running processes non essential to your computer.
Note: This will close your browser, so save anything if needed prior to running.
Consider this like a game booster, just use it prior to starting your game.
I recently bought built PC - new parts, professional service etc. 4.9 stars on google.

Sorry but whoever provided you with this computer is either lazy or ignorant ( worse case scenario they are both ) as to why is explained in my canned info below;

Windows should always be installed on either its own drive or on a separate partition on a larger drive, this reduces the risk of corruption, the amount of free space that is required to be kept available + it makes creating a regular back a whole lot easier

A 256GB SSD or separate partition on a larger capacity drive should be the minimum capacity allowed for.

Windows will also boot up quicker on its own partition as it does not need to install drivers for any third party programs.

Once Windows has been clean installed you must then install first the MBs chipset drivers then the storage/SATA drivers and third the graphics drivers, the drivers can either come from a disk provided by the motherboard manufacturer or downloaded from their site and saved to a flash drive etc, this is a must and Windows should not be allowed to check for updates before it has been done as more often than not Windows installs the wrong drivers or in the incorrect order and this can cause all sorts of problems.

The reason why this procedure is so important, the chipset is what enables the MB to be able to communicate with all the hardware + are the first drivers that Windows looks for on boot.

Whoever set up this PC has just lumped everything together on the one partition and rather than take the time to correctly install the system drivers they have just gone online and allowed Windows to update and install whoever knows what

The PC generates good FPS on high and ultra,

Change the Windows Power Plan to Balanced, Ultra and High Performance are a form of overclocking that is known to cause stability and overheating issues, the setting should only be used for gaming type notebooks that have a discrete GPU that needs the extra power.

Is it better now?

There is no program that can detect the PSU details so you will need to check the paperwork for the PC or alternatively take the side of the case and do a visual check, don`t be surprised to find a PSU that is not the required quality for such a high end GPU, pre built PCs seldom come with a PSU that any qualified tech would ever suggest.
Sorry but whoever provided you with this computer is either lazy or ignorant ( worse case scenario they are both ) as to why is explained in my canned info below;

Whoever set up this PC has just lumped everything together on the one partition and rather than take the time to correctly install the system drivers they have just gone online and allowed Windows to update and install whoever knows what

Change the Windows Power Plan to Balanced, Ultra and High Performance are a form of overclocking that is known to cause stability and overheating issues, the setting should only be used for gaming type notebooks that have a discrete GPU that needs the extra power.

There is no program that can detect the PSU details so you will need to check the paperwork for the PC or alternatively take the side of the case and do a visual check, don`t be surprised to find a PSU that is not the required quality for such a high end GPU, pre built PCs seldom come with a PSU that any qualified tech would ever suggest.
OK, firstly- PSU is Seasonic 700W.
If I click the option in windows start from zero (idk what is the english translation) - will this work? Will this erase all drivers and data? If yes, how can I not allow windows for automatic drivers download? I can find drivers for ASUS mb, sata drivers, and also Nvidia drivers. But this option is OK?
@phillpower2 - I just got information that the guy who was assempling pc and installing windows was probably installing drivers via Armoury Crate. Is that ok?
Sorry I cannot edit the comment so here is another one.
PSU is Seasonic 700W.

The brand name is good but the lack of any model name or number means that the info is of very little help I`m afraid.

What should have been done is explained in my reply #6 but in all honesty I think that you would be better to start over as in back up your data and clean install, one of us will help you with that.

Is the PSU at the link here the one that you have, if not, can we have the model name or number if you will.

Have you changed the rather ridiculous High Performance Windows Power Plan.

Edit to add: You can tell by Speccy what got installed first and no armoury crate is not ok, it is known to cause issues on its own.
The brand name is good but the lack of any model name or number means that the info is of very little help I`m afraid.

What should have been done is explained in my reply #6 but in all honesty I think that you would be better to start over as in back up your data and clean install, one of us will help you with that.

Is the PSU at the link here the one that you have, if not, can we have the model name or number if you will.

Have you changed the rather ridiculous High Performance Windows Power Plan.

Edit to add: You can tell by Speccy what got installed first and no armoury crate is not ok, it is known to cause issues on its own.
OK. So I will need just a tutorial how to do windows install properly, im gonna do it after my job hours. And- install drivers automatically via Armoury Crate? It is how was done it now.
install drivers automatically via Armoury Crate? It is how was done it now.

A massive no - no and you should try not to install armoury crate wherever possible, as said above it causes problems on its own, don`t take my word for it, go here

You have not confirmed changing the Power Plan or the PSU details that you were asked for, rather than not answer at all let us know if it will have to be done after work etc, it saves us asking the same thing over and over.

Can I ask that you do not quote every reply as we have to read the full post to make sure nothing gets missed,, thanks.
Im sorry for quoting. The power setting was high performance, now changed to balanced according to your post. But it was stuttering even before- thats why I did for performance. And the PSU is Seasonic A12 700W.
No worries, many folk do it but it gets a bit much when you have been reading replies for hours.

You may recall me saying;

The brand name is good but the lack of any model name or number means that the info is of very little help I`m afraid.

Well Seasonic have been known for years to be one of if not the best PSU providers but even they do not get it right 100% of the time with their A12 range being so bad that it is rated as – Tier F • Replace immediately

This PC builder has either voted for themselves numerous times or they have had family and friends vote them up, any even half decent amateur tech knows that gaming GPUs need the efficiency of a minimum of a Gold efficiency rated PSU from a proven brand yet whoever put this rig together has used a PSU that is not even Bronze efficiency rated so even if it were a good PSU it is not appropriate for anything more than onboard video.
Should I replace it immediately without trying new Windows with armoury crate off?
Totally different scenario and you are lucky that the PSU is a Seasonic as an equally as bad no name brand would have gone bang the second that you enabled High or Ultimate performance.

I would be contacting the seller about this, they have sold you a computer with a PSU that is not fit for purpose.

As it stands the PSU being replaced is the priority, a bad software set up will not ruin your hardware whereas a poor PSU most certainly can.
Wow, I wasnt prepared for such an option. What PSU do you suggest then for my specs?? Rather easily available in Europe.
It wasn`t me that rated the present PSU as being so bad and I only past on the information, I would be looking at some sort of refund from the seller of the PC.

Sorry but are you not reading properly all of my posts, you would be replacing junk with worse still junk;

any even half decent amateur tech knows that gaming GPUs need the efficiency of a minimum of a Gold efficiency rated PSU from a proven brand

Contact the seller and see if you can get an appropriate replacement PSU or ar the very least a partial refund to put towards an appropriate PSU.

Which power supply do you need? will give you an idea of the brands and quality that you need, 650W or above minimum.
I have just spoken with the seller. He said that he built hundreds PCs with that exact PSU and noone is contacting him except me. He also told me that he can refund me 100% ofpower unit and replace with new one, but my cost is the difference new PSU with A12. I am going to his shop tomorrow with my pc to replace the PSU with some other PSUs and just simulate the stuttering. Weird is that I can have low settings and it is no difference in stuttering sensitivity… do you think after replacing psu it will end stuttering?
Couple of questions for you;

If the seller has built hundreds of computers how come they do not know how to set one up properly, of the need for a high end PSU to support a high end GPU and more tellingly the fact that the A12 is rated so bad.

If the PSU is so good why is the seller willing to replace it, why is it rated so badly and is the seller aware that the A12 range are rebadged previously rated Bronze efficiency models that got pulled because they were not up to scratch.

In answer to your question, only setting the computer up correctly and having an appropriately efficiency rated brand and output PSU will answer it.
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