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Solved Medion erazer X6601 (MD60244) Original BIOS

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I recently made a clean Install on my laptop. I made all updates, and for completeness i thought I'd search for a BIOS Update. Long story short, it completed, turned of my laptop and now I can't turn it on again.
I guess something went wrong and now my BIOS is corrupted. I came as far as taking the laptop apart and buying an external EEPROM Programmer to fix it.
Now my only problem is that I don't have a dump of the original BIOS. Does anyone know where I can get it one or does anyone have the same laptop and could create a dump? And would this even work or is there another problem with flashing a dumped BIOS?
Hello abilnf,

Going by the information provided by Medion here the only way to update or install the BIOS is by saving it to the hard drive on the computer concerned first which as you know is not possible to do on a computer that will not boot.

Have you tried contacting Medion to see if they can help.
I contacted them at the beginning to ask more generally if there is a way to fix my laptop if the bios is corrupt, and they said i can try removing the battery for a few days and if that doesn't work i can send it in for them to replace the motherboard.
I can try again and ask specifically for the BIOS ROM, but I highly doubt they can give it to me.
That's why I hoped someone else on the internet might have saved his BIOS and could upload it.
Medion are not a globally used brand so you may struggle to find anyone that has such a BIOS and as said above the computer needs to be able to boot into Windows and download any BIOS to the hard drive before it can be installed.

What did you actually do with the EEPROM Programmer, if used to clear the BIOS that was on the chip I`m afraid you are left with a rather expensive paperweight :(
I first made a backup of the current, broken BIOS and then erased it.
I know that officially it can only be installed if my system boots, but if I have access to the chip itself, and I have the programmer, I can just do it that way, or am I mistaken here?
And what difference does it make if i erased the BIOS or not? If it is corrupted, or at least not working, then erasing it makes no difference, or does it?
I also tried to flash the exact same BIOS Update that you also posted here again with the Programmer, but that doesn't work because the update ROM is only 5mb in size even though the bios Chip is 8mb large - is there a way to make the program "convert" this 5mb update to a ROM i could flash?
And what difference does it make if i erased the BIOS or not? If it is corrupted, or at least not working, then erasing it makes no difference, or does it?

The BIOS is programmed pre Windows so it must be possible to rewrite the original program to the chip, unfortunately though you will need the assistance of BIOS professionals for this as it is way above the sort of help you get on PC tech assistance forums, experts like BIOS Central may be able to help, Medion will not be interested as they only have their name branded on the computers and have nothing to do with the manufacturing etc. they can/will sell you a MB for not much less than the price that the notebook originally cost but they won`t go to the trouble of sourcing you a new BIOS flash or pre programmed BIOS chip.

Being that it has been confirmed that the original BIOS has been hosed no further assistance can be offered here so the thread will be marked as solved.

Hope that BIOS Central can help you out abilnf
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