Solved Mailtrac problem

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wynn mark

PCHF Member
Jan 21, 2021
I have used the free version of MAILTRACK (MAILSUITE.COM) for ages with great success and only a few rare problems.

However, I now have a problem I cannot solve. My PC shows that I have the programme installed and turned on but in Gmail, the usual icon does not show at top right nor does the usual tic box show and the programme doesn't work of course. See screen shot attached.

I am wondering if my recently upgraded AVG programme might be causing the problem but I don't have sufficient knowledge to look into this and at age 90 yrs I'm not as bright as I used to be.

Can anyone offer advice and help please?

Thanks. Pete
Further to my query above. I would mention that I have uninstalled/reinstalled the programme a couple of times. Thanks.
Alas I don’t use the mail track app so can’t advise specifically but will give some suggestions.
Are you sure the program works with the webmail version of email rather than a specific email client? It seems there’s a specific extension for browsers, is this what you’re referring to when you mention program?
Have you tried cleanly uninstalling the program & scanning for leftovers using Revo Uninstaller free then restarting the pc?
Have you tried cleanly uninstalling your antivirus software to rule this out as the cause?
Are you sure the emails have been read by the recipient?
Does the notification show under the extension or via the Notification area? Perhaps the free version now has further limitations on how the user is notified.
Have you tried sending an email to yourself & seeing if the notification appears when the email has been read?
Thanks for your reply with suggestions. I will follow up on these and see how I get on.
Thanks again.
And attacking the problem from another angle, have you uninstalled AVG?
It can always be re-installed later if proven to not cause any issues.
Furthermore, are you using the paid-for or free version of AVG?
If free, I would remove it and forget it if you have Windows 10 or 11.

The Windows Defender security program has been equally as good as any of the paid-for products for ages, scoring as well or better in independent AV lab tests. Plus, since Avast brought them out about 10 years ago, they have introduced many annoying advertising and marketing features.
Further to your kind replies. I hope you won’t mind me mentioning, but I’m 90 years of age and clearly not as sharp as I was in the past on computer matters. However, The first question asked was about being sure I had the correct version of MailTrack (Mail Suite) installed. I have checked and this is the correct version. This is put on my PC as an extension to Chrome.

The next thing is about uninstalling my AVG. My son recently got me to upgrade to the paid version with all its bells and whistles. This is all a bit confusing to start with. Fro what I can see the sections are, AVG Anti track. Internet Security. Secure VPN nd Tune up. Naturally I don’t know if I uninstalled the entire lot as to weather I would be able to reinstall.

I have double checked that the emails sent have been received and opened by the recipients. I have also sent test emails to myself with no problems in receiving. As MailTrack (Mail Suite) is only an extension on Chrome and not an actual installed programme I can only see the icon in Extensions for unstalling etc.

Because I have been using the free version of MailTrack (Mail Suite) for so many years and this is the first problem encountered. Because of the upgrade to the paid for version of AVG only recently, it led me to think that might be the cause. NaturallyI don’t know for sure.

Thanks again.
I suspect the AVG anti track may be the culprit so you could disable that & see if it is the cause.
As long as you have the license key then you’ll be able to reinstall if that is needed. In the end you may have to choose between using AV or MailTrack.
I’m wondering whether turning on read receipt within the mail program (if this is available) would work instead. The recipient would need to confirm the email has been received though.
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Thanks for the prompt. Yes, I do have some news. Despite all my earnest efforts, I couldn’t solve the problem with Mail Track. I have another PC rarely used, so I booted that up and . . . yes the Mail Track programme worked fine on that machine.

So to send emails I started using the PC2 and all was well. Replies come in on both PCs of course.

This morning, on booting up my PC1 I found to my amazement that the Mail Track programme was running properly as it has always done. I’ve no idea how this came about. Naturally, I will keep a beady eye on it to make sure it’s still working.

Many thanks for all the advice freely given. Mark
Thanks. Am pleased to say that my PC1 is OK with Mail Track once again. Keeping fingers crossed of course.
Cheers. Mark
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