Issues Loading Windows 10 to new PC Build

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Wizard of Woz

PCHF Member
Jul 7, 2020
I recently built my first PC and didn't have any issues during the build, but now I am having trouble loading Windows 10 to the new PC. My motherboard is a Gigabyte B450M DS3H, and I'm trying to load to a Western Digital Blue NVMe SSD.

I currently only have access to a 2012 Macbook Pro, so I'm having to create my bootable USB using Bootcamp. I downloaded the latest Win 10 iso image from Microsoft, and seemingly had no issues creating the bootable drive. When I plug the USB into the new PC, I booted into the BIOS and changed the bootable USB with Win10 on it to priority #1. But when I restart the computer (Win10 install should begin) I only get a black screen with a blinking cursor.

I've tried a lot of different ways to get around this issue: used USB3, USB2, formatted the USBs differently (currently have tried ExFAT and FAT), but have had no luck, I get the same result every time. Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated, as my new PC is pretty much useless until I get an OS installed on it.

Thank you for taking the time to read and for your help in advance!
I have tried following several youtube and Mac documents and none have ever worked for us. The only thing that did work was to have a friend of theirs create the disk for them off their windows machine.

We even tried different ISO writing software and none of them did the trick.
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I have tried following several youtube and Mac documents and none have ever worked for us. The only thing that did work was to have a friend of theirs create the disk for them off their windows machine.

We even tried different ISO writing software and none of them did the trick.

Gotcha, may need to find someone who has a windows laptop then. Appreciate it!
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