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Installation_boot_device error

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Ok let’s start this off i whilst trying to fix an issue on my second monitor where it would stop playing any video but carry on playing sound when my mouse wasn’t on it so after a good while trying to troubleshoot I just download outbyte driver updater and used it to update my drivers on restart my windows cannot boot and says Installation_boot_device error so it initially gave me the option to enter the recovery environment and I went through everything even the command line and then eventually reset my pc and still I cannot boot and now I’ve lost the option to boot so I’ve used a thumb drive to boot now and after trying the command line again whilst having all usb and my hdd drive again after restarting I’ve lost the ability to boot from my hard drive
I’ve used a thumb drive to boot now and after trying
What thumb drive and how was it created?

I just download outbyte driver updater and used it to update my drivers


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