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HP laptop converted to Chromebook

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PCHF Member
Jan 27, 2023
I have a HP laptop that was converted to a Chromebook. How can I factory reset it?
I've tried googling it but every process I follow there seems to be options missing from menus.
I was given it from somebody who have converted it to a chromebook, its comes up cloudready if that helps (sorry I'm not great with technology). There's nothing that needs saved on there.
S/N 5CD14028RZ
Thought it was easier to send that with all the information. I appreciate the help - all I need window for is downloading an exe file as my new Chromebook doesn't read they files
wrong product key that is windows key.
Have a look at this
Hp product name.JPG
Reinstall Win 10 Fresh Install

Download the win 10 tool run it to recreate the flash drive – Must be minimum 8GB


Watch this video
How To Install Windows 10 From USB - YouTube

In the video at 2:35 Where to install Windows. Highlight each partition and delete.

Then install on the unallocated space.

In the video at 2:54 you will notice it restarts the computer.
When you are doing this and you get to that point Remove the usb stick whilst it is restarting.
Also if you want to setup a local account instead of logging in with a Microsoft account
Turn off your wireless network and or remove the network cable.
This point is 3.32 in the video - Choose I don't have internet.
If you want to log in with a Microsoft account then leave the network as is.
Did you try the win 10 creation tool?
1. Insert the HP Recovery media you created.
2. Restart the computer.
3. Press and hold esc while the computer is restarting, and then press f9 for boot options.
4. Select the optical drive or USB flash drive you want to boot from
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