Help appreciated: Windows 10 Doesn't start up

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PCHF Member
Oct 2, 2021
Hi All,

I am don't know much about IT. I have a windows 10 and a Linux Mint installed on my computer Lenovo E585.

Recently i realise my windows 10 takes an hour to boot up, hence i reformatted my drive and reinstalled windows 10 (Setting/Update & security/ Recovery method) successfully. I tried rebooting windows 10 and it takes 5 mins.

My Bios booting startup is Windows 10 on (1) and Linux mint on (2).

Sadly, when i startup my computer an hour later, Windows 10 doesn't start up and my Linux Mint OS took over. I tried several times, the events were the same.

I tried setting the BIOS to quick runs(fail) and tried assessing windows startup repair functionality which is impossible because Windows 10 doesn't load or run.

On the other hand, my Linux Mint is loading fine and i can log into my account. I can access the files on my Windows 10 through Linux Mint account. So I think my storage drives should be working and should not be the reason that Windows 10 is not starting up due to storage drive failure.

Appreciate if you have an solutions and advise on how i can get Windows 10 to run during start up.

Thank you.
Recently i realise my windows 10 takes an hour to boot up, hence i reformatted my drive and reinstalled windows 10 (Setting/Update & security/ Recovery method) successfully. I tried rebooting windows 10 and it takes 5 mins.
Where did the install media come from?
Did you wipe the entire drive clean and preform a fresh install?
Did you install the drivers starting with the chipset first?
You did turn of fast boot in the power setting?
Tested the system prior to installing Linux to make sure that it works properly?

Can you access windows 10 at all?

Have you ran any of the Grub commands in Terminal?
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