Solved HDMI Port from monitor to device isnt working

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PCHF Member
Aug 31, 2024
So I've built my pc last weekend and now I wanted to test it. Plugged all cables in, connected everything also the HDMI from my Dell monitor. Started my pc and every fan is spinning, all good so far. The only problem is that my monitor shows that there is no HDMI connection from my device. Okay so i tried the other HDMI slot on my monitor, still nothing.Switched the ends and the two slots but still nothing. Does anyone of you have an idea what the problem is? I tried every thinkable so far and i am still stuck... My monitor is the Dell 32 Curved Gaming Monitor and my motherboard is the MSI B550 GAMING GEN3 (it has a HDMI slot)
Sorry but you have post on a tech forum asking for help but have provided almost zero information about your computer/ most of the hardware, this makes it impossible for anyone to even hazard a guess as to what is going on.

Post the brand and model name or number for the CPU, the RAM ( including the amount, number of sticks and speed ) add on video card if one is used and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable folk to better assist you.

Make sure that you have a keyboard hooked up or the power on self test ( POST ) will fail.
Sorry but you have post on a tech forum asking for help but have provided almost zero information about your computer/ most of the hardware, this makes it impossible for anyone to even hazard a guess as to what is going on.

Post the brand and model name or number for the CPU, the RAM ( including the amount, number of sticks and speed ) add on video card if one is used and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable folk to better assist you.

Make sure that you have a keyboard hooked up or the power on self test ( POST ) will fail.
Hey...its my first pc and i have absoluetly no idea what you guys need but i figured out my problem...i have put the HDMI in the motherboard not in the grafics card...beginner mistake... I am sorry for waisting your time..

Did you install the chipset drivers for the mobo ?
Hey... I have figured the problem out by now...its my first ever pc and i accindently put the HDMI in the motherboard instead of in the grafics card ... I am completly new to this so i am sorry for making this trouble and i am sorry for waisting your time :/
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You have not wasted anyone's time and fwiw the mistake is one that we see all of the time, another one is people purchasing a CPU that does not have on die video and wonder why they get no video without any add on video card.

Anyhows, glad you got it sorted and thanks for letting us know the solution.
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