Solved External USB drive showing as empty

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PCHF Member
Aug 7, 2024
Why does my "F" drive show as empty, even though it has many files on it? The files are accessible; I have tried disconnecting and re-connecting the drive, but it still shows as empty.

  • Remove All usb connected items from the computer, only leave the mouse and keyboard installed.
  • Download to your desktop.
  • CLICK HERE to determine whether you’re running 32-bit or 64-bit for Windows.
  • Once the determination has been made, open either the 32-bit or 64-bit folder.
  • Right Click the .exe on the inside of the folder, and Run as Administrator.
  • A command prompt window will open, telling you what has been removed upon completion.
  • Reboot your machine.
  • Check the issue.
What type of files are stored?
Is it possible the drive is raw or corrupted?
Have you checked the drive for errors?
Has the drive ever been used on a non Windows device?
Bastet, In the past, I have tried moving all the files (text, pictures, spreadsheets, programs, etc.) off of the drive, reformatting it, and then replacing the files. This didn't fix the problem.

Yes, it's possible that the drive may be corrupted. This was a hand-me-down drive; it wasn't new when I obtained it.

I scanned the drive for errors (it tool a long time to begin) and Windows found no errors.

Previously, if I tried to open a file on the drive, I got a message that the file was inaccessible. At least now, I can access the files on the drive.
If you can now access the drive then imo the chkdsk has done something.
Otherwise when you received the drive did you run the clean cmd & then format it or just start using it?
Is there just 1 partition or several?
I formatted the drive before I began using it. There's only one partition.
Initially, I had no problem with the drive. Only recently has the drive been showing up as you see in my initial post. I.E., the blue bar would seem to indicate that the drive is empty.
You can use this utility to check the drive for authenticity:
If it is fake or genuine then it will inform you of this. You will not lose data on the drive using this program.
ValiDrive indicates that there's nothing wrong with the drive.

I tried plugging this USB drive into a different Windows 11 PC. It behaves exactly as it does on this one.
It's an old, not too big a drive, with known reliability issues - I wouldn't be running the risk trusting it with my data. And they are cheap to buy!
While the sun shines, get your data off Old Red.
I agree. Since it behaves the same way on two different PC's, I'm going to assume it is a drive issue, and the data that's on there is also on other drives, so I'm not going to worry too much more about it.
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