Drive C not showing in Office

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PCHF Member
Mar 15, 2021
Hello. My pc recently died so I bought a renewed dell optimum from amazon. It's great but today I wrote a letter in Word but when I tried to save the file, it only showed One Drive. Anyone know why drive c and documents folder wasn't available please? Thanks
you still see C:\ drive in File Explorer?
in Word, when you Save As, do you see Other Locations in the left column and This PC under that?
what version of Office do you have?
Thanks for replying.

The office version is 18.2008
Yes c drive and the documents folder appears in file explorer
is that Office 365, or Office 2019 or earlier?
and in Word, Save As or Open, do you see Other Locations under OneDrive (but that's probably dependant on your Office version)
any chance you can attach a picture of the Open or Save As screen? (may be worth more than a thousand words as they say)
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