Download of the day: Cloudfogger

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PCHF Tech News
Jan 10, 2015

It's a good idea to keep your cloud data securely encrypted to protect it from prying eyes, and Cloudfogger provides a free solution that does exactly that with minimal hassle.

Why you need it

2014 had its fair share of hacking scandals, and even everyday Joes couldn't feel completely confident that they wouldn't end up with their data scattered around the internet. Given how popular cloud storage has become – and how ready we are to upload our documents to be stored on some remote server – adding an extra layer of encryption can be a very good idea indeed.

That's why you should give Cloudfogger a try. Protects your files with a hefty chunk of 256-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption – which complements your cloud host's own encryption – making it even harder for hackers to get their grubby mitts on your precious data. It does it seamlessly, too, so there's no need to remember to protect your files before uploading them; Cloudfogger does it all for you.

You can store the encryption key locally, ensuring it's not stored online and therefore won't be handed over if anyone asks for it. In light of the NSA surveillance scandal, that's more peace of mind that your data is safely protected from prying eyes.

And to round it all off, Cloudfogger is completely free, so you don't even have to shell out to keep your files securely encrypted.

Key features

  • Works on: PC, Mac, Android, iOS
  • Versions: Free
  • Encrypt: Add another layer of encryption to any document you've added to the cloud
  • Automatic protection: There's no need to worry about forgetting to encrypt your files, as Cloudfogger automatically protects them when they're uploaded to the cloud.
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