Solved CS:GO fps drop after windows 10 reinstall

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PCHF Member
Oct 1, 2019
So I decided to reinstall my windows 10, haven't done it in like 2 years. I did the whole procedure correctly, after reinstall, I updated the windows completely, installed the gpu driver through geforce experience, installed motherboard drivers here: except the VGA download cuz that's the intel integrated graphics and I don't need that. I installed cs:go, and the game felt laggy and glitchy, before reinstall I was averaging 160-220+ fps but now I got 60-120 fps, the fps im getting now should be enough for my 60hz refresh rate monitor but the game is not performing well. And it's kinda demotivating to see the fps drops. I tried getting help from other forums about this problem, but nothing seems to help. I tried the "verify integrity of game files" option, it didn't help, all my game graphic setting are low even though my computer automaticaly puts it all on high. I tried reinstalling the game, that doesn't work either. The only time the game plays good is when I'm playing the workshop custom maps. As soon as I play deathmatch or casual or matchmaking, the game starts lagging, and the problem is not my internet I get 20-30 ping average.

My computer components:
Intel i5 6600k
Zotac Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 ti OC edition
Asus H110K-M D3 (I know, the motherboard doesn't go well with my CPU, but that's not the issue now)
RAM 8gb 1600 MHz DDR3

One person said I need 16 gb of RAM instead of 8 gb, but that shouldn't be the only way knowing that the game was working fine before reinstall.
Welcome to PCHF matacar,

Can you post the brand and model name or number of the power supply (PSU).

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.

NB: We are always happy to help when we can but we cannot safely do so if you are already receiving assistance on any other forum, doing so may lead to confusion as to whose and what guidance you are following which can be both dangerous and costly, decide on which forum you wish to continue and as a courtesy let the other/s know that assistance is no longer required.

Thank you for your understanding.
Speccy is not detecting the specs of your RAM but it does show that you have high memory usage.

Size: 8116 MBytes
Physical Memory
Memory Usage: 42 %
Total Physical: 7.92 GB
Available Physical: 4.52 GB
Total Virtual: 9.88 GB
Available Virtual: 4.79 GB
Number Of SPD Modules: 0

Is the RAM a single 8GB stick or is it 2 Xs 4GB sticks.

If using only a single 8GB stick, which memory slot on the MB is the RAM in.

How old is the Thermaltake Litepower 550W, sorry but even when out of the box new I would not recommend it labelled as 550W but can only produce 408W, a very short 2 year warranty and not even Bronze efficiency rated, you can confirm this here

after reinstall, I updated the windows completely, installed the gpu driver through geforce experience,

In case you are not aware, Windows has downloaded and installed the GPU driver below.

9/29/2019 NVIDIA - Display - 10/27/2017 12:00:00 AM -
NVIDIA Display driver update released in October 2017
Memory usage has been the same before the windows reinstall, when the game worked nicely.
I have 2 sticks of RAM both 4gb, one is 1600MHz Crucial, the other is 1860MHz HyperX.
I bought the PSU in march last year.
I do not understand what you meant with windows downloading and installing the GPU driver, I installed the driver on the nvidia website, and checked for updates on geforce experience program.
We can only tell you what we can see and take it from me using 42% of 8GB when the computer is not under any load is bad.

See if CPU-Z can detect the spec of the RAM, download the free version from here post expanded screenshots of the RAM information, see below for how to take and upload screenshots.

Download Speedfan and install it. Once it's installed, run the program and post here the information it shows. The information I want you to post is the stuff that is circled in the example picture I have attached.
If you are running on a vista machine, please go to where you installed the program and run the program as administrator.


(this is a screenshot from a vista machine)
So that we have a comparison to Speedfan, download, run and grab a screenshot of HWMonitor (free).

To capture and post a screenshot;

Click on the ALT key + PRT SCR key..its on the top row..right hand click on start...all programs...accessories...paint....left click in the white area CTRL + on on it to your it something related to the screen your capturing... BE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A .JPG ...otherwise it may be to big to upload... after typing in any response you have... click on Upload a File to add the screenshot.

Screenshot instructions are provided to assist those that may read this topic but are not yet aware of the “how to”.

I do not understand what you meant with windows downloading and installing the GPU driver, I installed the driver on the nvidia website, and checked for updates on geforce experience program.
This is the exact reason why I mentioned it, Windows has updated your GPU drivers without you knowing it and quite possibly causing you issues in the process.
I wasn't sure what information you needed from HWMonitor, so I sent you everything.

About the "windows updating my nvidia drivers without me noticing", what should I do to fix that issue then?
Sooo, is there a way you can help me??

First and foremost I ask that you keep in mind that we are all volunteers who give our time for free to try and help others, secondly, we all have families and last but not least many of us have either a business to run or a job to hold down so even with the best will in the world none of us can be here 24/7, if you cannot wait for one of us to be able to get back to you then you should consider taking the computer to a local tech where you will have to pay a fee before they even look at it.

First and foremost I ask that you keep in mind that we are all volunteers who give our time for free to try and help others, secondly, we all have families and last but not least many of us have either a business to run or a job to hold down so even with the best will in the world none of us can be here 24/7, if you cannot wait for one of us to be able to get back to you then you should consider taking the computer to a local tech where you will have to pay a fee before they even look at it.
Ok, I'm sorry for rushing you. I'll be patient.
HWMonitor and Speedfan are both telling us the same thing, certain components on the MB and PSU look to be seriously overheating.

HWMonitor identifies the mainboard itself as overheating but for information purposes below are a couple of other things that are shown to be having issues.

AUXTIN is the power supply temp sensor if there is one.

TMPIN 2 = MCH = Northbridge

Do you have a small desktop type fan that you could use to try to cool things down by removing the side of the case and directing the cool air into the case interior, please note that if you do this you should not leave the computer unattended while connected to the mains if there are small children or pets around.
No, I do not have a spare fan for the computer. However I just realized that the side pannel where the holes are for, in my opinion airflow, is against a wall. So that could be a problem maybe, and I also haven't cleaned my PC from dust in a year, could that be a reason too?

I have tried to lower my memory usage by going to registry editor - local machine - system - controlSet001 - services - Ndu ---> and putting the value data from 2 to 4. This did not help me a lot in game, it lowered my memory usage from 40% to 30%, but in game it's the same, the fps is lower still, when theres a lot of things going on game starts lagging for some reason even though I would have like 90fps. I did see a little improvement but it was still not like before.
The type of fan I mentioned is not specific for a computer, it is something that you would use to cool the room down in hot weather, an example here

I also haven't cleaned my PC from dust in a year, could that be a reason too?
Your CPU and GPU temperatures are very good so dust has nothing to do with this, a bad MB and/or an unstable PSU are the likely culprit/s.

I have tried to lower my memory usage by going to registry editor - local machine - system - controlSet001 - services - Ndu ---> and putting the value data from 2 to 4. This did not help me a lot in game, it lowered my memory usage from 40% to 30%, but in game it's the same, the fps is lower still, when theres a lot of things going on game starts lagging for some reason even though I would have like 90fps. I did see a little improvement but it was still not like before.
The extremely high temperatures being reported prove that this is hardware and not software related and fwiw if you are not a qualified or at least a competent software technician you should stay well away from the registry, one wrong click and you will have a non booting computer that will require either a clean install of Windows or worse case scenario a clean install of Windows and having to pay for the services of a competent software technician
The type of fan I mentioned is not specific for a computer, it is something that you would use to cool the room down in hot weather, an example here

Your CPU and GPU temperatures are very good so dust has nothing to do with this, a bad MB and/or an unstable PSU are the likely culprit/s.

The extremely high temperatures being reported prove that this is hardware and not software related and fwiw if you are not a qualified or at least a competent software technician you should stay well away from the registry, one wrong click and you will have a non booting computer that will require either a clean install of Windows or worse case scenario a clean install of Windows and having to pay for the services of a competent software technician
I do not have any type of fan in my house, so that's out the question. However mentioning that it's the motherboard or the PSU problem, you are suggesting that I change the motherboard? Because as I said earlier the motherboard is not that compatible with the cpu, it's not a Z- type motherboard for K type CPU's. But I'm not sure about the PSU being the problem, it is a fairly new PSU (1 year old). And it's not like I wanna, well if I had a Z type motherboard, overclock my CPU or GPU at all to put more pressure on my PSU, I'm just playing CS:GO. The game came out 7 years ago, I'm sure it's not a demanding game for my components obviously.

I was hoping to buy a 144Hz monitor but that won't be possible not because I can barely even squeeze 100 fps, unlike before when I was getting 220 fps no problem with these same components.

I am also wondering about what you think about "the side panel where the little holes are being against the wall" problem or even if it is a problem.
I am also wondering about what you think about "the side panel where the little holes are being against the wall" problem or even if it is a problem.
As previously explained your CPU and GPU temperatures are very good so heat inside the case itself is not the issue, too much voltage going to one or more components on the MB is what is causing the issue, the Northbridge and voltage regulators in particular.

Sorry but need to be blunt, it would be best if you took your computer to a local technician as we are achieving nothing here 🙁

At the moment there is nothing wrong with the CPU which by the way is 100% compatible with the MB and so not an issue but if you don`t get it sorted asap you risk something going bang and taking out all of your good hardware with it in the process.

You can confirm for yourself that the CPU and MB are compatible by checking the CPU support info at the ASUS homepage here

The only downside of using a k spec CPU with the MB that you have is the MBs limited overclocking capability, the CPU will run fine in the board just as long as folk don`t go messing with things that they shouldn`t.
As previously explained your CPU and GPU temperatures are very good so heat inside the case itself is not the issue, too much voltage going to one or more components on the MB is what is causing the issue, the Northbridge and voltage regulators in particular.

Sorry but need to be blunt, it would be best if you took your computer to a local technician as we are achieving nothing here 🙁

At the moment there is nothing wrong with the CPU which by the way is 100% compatible with the MB and so not an issue but if you don`t get it sorted asap you risk something going bang and taking out all of your good hardware with it in the process.

You can confirm for yourself that the CPU and MB are compatible by checking the CPU support info at the ASUS homepage here

The only downside of using a k spec CPU with the MB that you have is the MBs limited overclocking capability, the CPU will run fine in the board just as long as folk don`t go messing with things that they shouldn`t.
Ok, I understand now what I have to do. Thank you very much for you time and patience with me. I am very sorry for my earlier responses, thank you again for your help. <3
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