Solved CPU usage problem

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PCHF Member
Jul 18, 2020
So this only started happening after the most recent windows 10 update for me but mbasically whenever I get to play a game my CPU usage will be in the 100s and my disk will be around mid-high 90s. Causes FPS drops and overall not that good of performance.

Anybody know what the issue could be with this???
The 2004 update has caused a lot of people problems, best suggestion would be to try rolling back to the last major update which was version 1909, this only an option though if you installed the Windows 10 version 2004 update within the past ten days.
The 2004 update has caused a lot of people problems, best suggestion would be to try rolling back to the last major update which was version 1909, this only an option though if you installed the Windows 10 version 2004 update within the past ten days.
I installed it like 2 days ago so I should be able to go back right?
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