Solved CPU Spikes to 100%, slowing/freezing

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PCHF Member
Jun 10, 2020

Occasionally on my PC, i'll experience slowing, freezing or lag. It doesn't happen often. Opening task manager, I can see the CPU spike to %100 during these moments. Nothing too intense is happening during these moments. Web browser & a remote connection. Sometimes YouTube.

Relevant Specs:
Intel i5-9600K @ 3.7
Windows 10 OS
16GB Ram

Attempted Fixes:
Updated SSD to latest firmware
All drivers updated to latest version

It's worth nothing that this is a new PC build, with my Windows files installed on the SSD. It's the first PC I've built, so I feel as if I had made a mistake. My worry is that maybe the processor was damaged during install? I have a good cooler on it with good quality thermal paste.
Hello Shryke,

Does it ever happen when you are not connected to the internet.

Can you post the brand and model name or number of the power supply (PSU).

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
Hi Phill,

I have not tested if it occurs only when connected to internet or not. I'll have to test that later tonight.

My PSU: Rosewill ARC Series 750W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified Single + 12V Rail Intel 4th Gen CPU SLI and CrossFire Ready Gaming Power Supply - ARC-760

The results of Speccy here.

Hi Shryke,

Before we go any further, there is a major Windows update shown to have been installing for almost eight days 🤔

Not Installed
2020-06-02 2020-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 2004 for x64-based Systems (KB4556803)
Installation Status: In Progress

Troubleshooting computer problems is a waste of time when it is known that Windows is out of date as any one of a number of the missing hot fixes could be the solution to any problem that you may be having.

For you to do, get Windows fully up to date then post an updated Speccy url + the outcome of how your offline testing went.

NB: Even when out of the box new that would not be a good choice of PSU for a build such as yours, you really should have a Gold efficiency rated proven brand PSU.
Oh, oops!

I've run Windows Update a couple of times, installing the pending update.

I'm not sure if this has fixed the problem or not, so i'll continue to monitor and post again if it occurs.

In the meantime, here is the updated Speccy

I'll do a little more PSU research and look into your recommendation.

Two updates in progress now 🤔

Going offline now but will check back tomorrow/
Yes, not sure why those updates aren't showing as installed in Speccy.

When I open Windows Update, those updates are showing as successfully installed. I get the same results after a restart. I manually uninstalled and reinstalled one of the updates, and now Speccy is showing 2 of those updates in progress. Not sure what's going on there.

Anyway, during my investigation I found a few drivers that were missed! I was using a tool before and have manually updated all the drivers now.

I'm hoping it's fixed with no further errors - i'll continue to monitor tomorrow. If it happens i'll see if I can replicate the error offline. I'll likely post the results in the evening.

Thank you very much for all your assistance so far, it's very appreciated!
Thanks for the update Shryke 👍

Just a heads up in case you are not aware, the 2004 update has been causing folks problems the world over, myself and our colleague gus over on malware removal have been putting off installing it waiting for it to get sorted but no joy from MS up to now, alas, both of us have had to bite the bullet and install it on at least one of our machines so we can check its make up, bad enough for me but worse for gus as he has to analyse malware logs from machines running version 2004, nightmare 😱

Something for you to do to see how your present set up handles video when not online gaming etc;

Use the free versions at the following links;

Stress test your GPU with Furmark

Check your FPS etc with SUPERPOSITION

You are welcome btw 🙂
Hi Again,

No more occurrences of this issue.

PC is running nice and smooth now.

You'd think an update issue from 2004 would have a legitimate fix by now 😕

Now that everything is stable i'll be doing some overclocking when I have some time, i'm sure these links will come in handy for that - thanks again
Glad to hear that things are sorted and thanks for letting us know 👍

You are welcome btw 🙂

NB: The update to which it was referred is version 2004 and not from the year 2004 👍
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