Pending OP Response Continuous BSOD

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Hello, sorry for the delay in my response but i was away from home in these days. In the next few days i will update the threads if more BSOD happens.
Hello, unfortunately i still experience BSODs. I am currently not overclocking my pc, i disabled any oc profile i could find as an attempt to make the pc more stable


Please run the lastest version of the PCHF log tool. Post the new PCHF .txt log as well as the dump files.(right click run as administrator)


Download the attached batch file right click run as admin.
This will disable un-needed scheduled task.

I'll need the new PCHF.txt and the latest dump files to go further.


Also, there are a lot of memory errors, now that you have tried with no overclocking:

Your ram is set to 2399MHz

32,0GB Dual-Channel Unknown @ 2399MHz (40-40-40-77)

Change it manually to 4800 in bios

Please run the lastest version of the PCHF log tool. Post the new PCHF .txt log as well as the dump files.(right click run as administrator)
i can't download it since windows defender signals a trojan virus in one of the files inside. It deletes it automatically so fast i cannot allow it to be spared.
I ran the disable_tasks script and will set the ram freq to 4800 manually. Attacched you can find the most recent dumps


Your issues are not driver related per se but are instead down to Windows or the drive that Windows lives on not working properly.