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Booting issue

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Hello everyone, i have a really bad problem with my hp laptop. This is not easy to explain but i will at least try.
First of all, the laptop is very old and only had windows 10 installed in legacy bios mode. I needed Ubuntu so i decided to dual boot the two operating systems.
The problem is that Ubuntu has been installed in uefi mode so grub wasn't able to detect windows at all. moreover, i am not able to access my windows 10 even if i switch back to legacy mode and i don't know why. so i tried one last thing (and i assume that i should not have done that) which is to use boot-repair in a live USB to try to make up things. But the PC wasn't plugged in so obviously it ran out of power and the boot-repair process got interrupted. Now Things are worse because when i trying using live image tools to repair the disk or even reinstall windows or Linux, my hard drive isn't detected at all. something must have been corrupted due to the interruption and now I'm not even able to install a new operating system.
Actually i don't even care about my personal data, i just want to wipe everything and install a whole new windows 10 then dual booting it with Ubuntu properly.
i apologize for my bad english. i only have an academic level and i don't know if i have managed to explain things well but hope that you will understand anyway.
Thanks in advance for your help.
While in Linux from terminal have you tried the following command?


If that does not work can defiantly help with the dual boot.

You will need a USB install for Windows 10

Plus, the drivers and to install them in the proper order.

What is the current size of the drive that you are installing the dual boot on to make sure that a Dual Boot is possible as to Windows requires certain amount of space to work properly.

Plus Windows has to be configured prior to Linux to be installed so they work together properly.
Yes and it was telling me that OS-prober (or something like that) didn't detect any operating system.
I have a 256gb hard drive. i have always dual booted these two operating systems on countless laptops successfully so i don't know what is actually the problem with this one.
okay thanks i will try installing windows 10 first then i will reply here if i get any issue.
i have some problem installing windows 10 because first of all it told me that my disk must use GPT and not MBR so i used Hiren's boot partition utilities to make the conversion and now it is saying me whenever i try to install windows again that some error has occured or "we were unable to format the disk 0...". alas something like that. not only this pc has no Os but now it is even impossible to have one. let alone dualbooting it :cautious:
When you get to the screen where do you want to install windows what do you see there?

If it looks like the following, then select each and click delete. Once all are deleted, select Next.

report any issues and or error messages that come up.

This is specifically where i have a problem. once here I'm unable to delete a single partition :
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-23 à 20.39.38.jpg

and when i try to delete :
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-23 à 20.39.37.jpg

so i'm obliged to use some third party live images which contains partition tools in order to wipe all partitions and then try to install it.
So after the use of these tools i had just one item shown which was like "Drive 0 - unallocated space(298GB)" then i pressed "next".
During the installation, another error occured :
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-23 à 20.40.05.jpg

Then this occurred :
WhatsApp Image 2023-04-23 àc 20.40.05.jpg

I'm out of options now.
Could use the Windows install media and use diskpart and the clean command.

When you get to the Install Now screen do you see in the bottom left
Repair Your Computer

Select that then Click Trouble Shoot
Then Click Command Prompt

Type diskpart
Then list disk (you should see one listed)
Type Select Disk 0
List Disk (you should not see a asterisk (*) next to the selected drive.
Type clean

type exit (to exit diskpart)
type exit (to exit command prompt)

Reboot and see if that clear it.

Report any issues and or errors.

Could also try gpart through Live Linux.
the clean command isn't working because it says he can't wipe a disk which contains system installation or something like that. moreover, gparted isn't even able to detect my hard drive. that's why i'm using some softwares like ease us partition master in some live images to try to make up things.
Where did this drive come from?

Drive could be security locked, and you may need to contact the manufacture of the laptop to get it unlocked.

You may need to contact the manufacture to get the drive replaced there is ither failure or as stated the drive is locked for security reasons.
Did you follow Rustys instruction and boot from usb?
Convert MBR to GPT​

****NB this will wipe all data from the drive****
Boot from Win 10 install usb
When you get to the startup screen (pic attached)
Press Shift + F10 key
you should get a X:> prompt
What is in blue you type in red you do
e.g Enter press enter key
Diskpart enter

list disk enter

Select disk n enter (n=the disk you wish to convert)

clean enter

convert gpt enter

exit enter

exit enter
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