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Pending OP Response Black screen Crashes

Back to the power supply, EVGA make a bunch, spread out across the complete quality spectrum to cover all price points, see here; https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/
They have models in the Tier A - High End range, and in each range, right down to the Tier F - Replace Immediately.

While 600w isn't too bad, the model/version of the PSU comes into play if it isn't supplying a consistent, clean, sine wave across all the voltage rails.
So when you can, pull off that metal cover you marked in the photo and find us the make/model of the EVGA unit. (y)
Back to the power supply, EVGA make a bunch, spread out across the complete quality spectrum to cover all price points, see here; https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/
They have models in the Tier A - High End range, and in each range, right down to the Tier F - Replace Immediately.

While 600w isn't too bad, the model/version of the PSU comes into play if it isn't supplying a consistent, clean, sine wave across all the voltage rails.
So when you can, pull off that metal cover you marked in the photo and find us the make/model of the EVGA unit. (y)
Alright thank you for all of the help so far🙏