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Adding external cellular antenna to ATT Data enabled laptop

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I am looking to see if it is plausible to have a USB-A to antenna cable go from my cell data laptop that runs about 10 ft (out my car window, and on to the roof). I have a cellular enabled laptop, but when I use it in the car for work the speeds can be significantly reduced - (especially if I'm in an area with limited coverage). Is it possible to have something like this that will both download and upload from the external Antenna and it will work with ATT's network and all?


the cell enabled laptop is done so via an inbuilt SIM card isn't it?

unless the laptop as an external aerial port (and none do that I have ever seen) you can't just plug something into the USB slot and have it work.

plus, also against you, if you are in a bad signal area, an external aerial will not boost the signal towers strength to you - you'll still be in a bad area.

you would need to talk to ATT to see if they know of any hardware that may help.

the only suggestion I would have is something like these from Netgear; https://www.netgear.com/au/home/mobile-wifi/lte-modems/lb2120/
the SIM out of your laptop would go into that, and it has two ports on the back for external antenna.
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