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Adding a camera in addition to fixed monitor cam

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Hi all. I have a fairly new Lenovo All in One desktop with a built in fixed pop up camera on top of the monitor but it doesn't allow me to view documents on my desk and was wondering if I could hook up another mobile camers which I can use to view documents. Will this cause problems with the existing installed fixed pop up camera (if I leave it in the down or stored position). Thank you for your help
Hello Cam V,

You should be able to disable the onboard camera or alternatively connecting a USB camera may auto disable it.

Have you looked in the Lenovo user manual for help with this.
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Hello Cam V,

You should be able to disable the onboard camera or alternatively connecting a USB camera may auto disable it.

Have you looked in the Lenovo user manual for help with this.
as with most items today I didn't receive a user manual from Best Buy but tried going online but couldn't find anything at all. Just how the onboard pop up camera works.
all the programs that use a camera, that I have used, allow you to tell it the default camera to use, if there is more than one.

and as Phill stated, you can always go into Device Manager and disable the inbuilt camera.

I'm curious - what do you mean you want the camera to view documents on your desk?
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all the programs that use a camera, that I have used, allow you to tell it the default camera to use, if there is more than one.

and as Phill stated, you can always go into Device Manager and disable the inbuilt camera.

I'm curious - what do you mean you want the camera to view documents on your desk?
Thank you for your response. My vision isn't what it used to be and sometimes need help interpreting documents
Ah, I see.
getting a webcam to do that 'magnification' thing on the documents may not be the best solution though.

have you thought about increasing the zoom factor in Word?
or adjusting the screen resolution on Windows to make everything look bigger?
have you thought about increasing the zoom factor in Word?
or adjusting the screen resolution on Windows to make everything look bigger?

User is talking about printed documents not onscreen documents.

to view documents on my desk

My aunt had a device that was attached to her computer that enlarged them on her screen. It was like a scanner bed that live linked to her system.

You may think about getting a scanner and scanning them into the system then you can adjust the screen settings like @Bruce e suggested.
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