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  • Users: Almo
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  1. Almo

    problems during the installation of any programs

    It's not the first time I use speccy. But, How can it be helpfull in my case?
  2. Almo

    problems during the installation of any programs

    This happen with all installation, and also when I try to delete any program that my pc has.
  3. Almo

    Audio leaking

    Are you on a laptop?
  4. Almo

    problems during the installation of any programs

    I become aware of networked drives since I have this problem. I never used an networked drive before
  5. Almo

    problems during the installation of any programs

    There's nothing in OneDrive Edit: An independet Advisor on the microsoft forum replied to me yesterday with this. It seems your Windows Start Menu folder is set to a network location. Click your Start Button, type regedit and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor. Click View and make sure...
  6. Almo

    problems during the installation of any programs

    Every time I try to install any program it shows me this: Could not access network location 9e0a\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\. pls help me