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  1. Dubmaster

    Solved Gaming mouse lags

    Thanks for the details. I've been trying to free more space on my SSD but I really have barely anything I can delete/move (that I can find). I've even had moments that less than 1 GB was free :oops:. So in short buy better PSU, clear more space or buy bigger SSD is a must, and updating windows...
  2. Dubmaster

    Solved Gaming mouse lags

    I have PC in polish, so some info is in my language, hope it's not a problem. Power supply: Tacens mars mp700
  3. Dubmaster

    Solved Gaming mouse lags

    Hi, I have a problem for quite a long time already (few months), but I recently got tired of this, so I decided to look for some solution to this. Problem: Sometimes (I believe it might be connected to RAM usage), usually when I'm playing LoL and have discord + browser (Opera) turned on, my...