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  1. Chris

    thread_prefix.5 Dyson SuperSonic Hairdryer - What clock speed is the processor running at?

    Hi, Any Computer Scientists here? So I was watching TV and this Dyson Supersonic hairdryer Advert came on, it said it checks the Temperature 20 times a second, it is bothering me now! I need to know! 20 times a second sounds like it has a cheap processor, so here is my best guess what happens...
  2. Chris

    Solved Memory speed not correct?

    Here is the spec sheet of my Memory.
  3. Chris

    Solved Memory speed not correct?

    Greetings everyone, I have managed to find out how to get my RAM updated to 1866Mhz using the XMP settings in my Motherboard, but the Windows Task Manager still doesn't want to show me 937Mhz, but as you can see CPU-Z does! I realise that because I have a duel channel it means that each memory...
  4. Chris

    Solved Machine keeps freezing, random times, for years!

    I have done a few things since I posted this, namely I have updated Windows 10 to 14393.xx from the 2015 build, I have uninstalled a few things, unplugged my own DVD drive and I have since not had any issues, so I think I may have resolved this myself haha.. but it may come back! thanks for...
  5. Chris

    Solved Machine keeps freezing, random times, for years!

    Hello all, I have got a custom PC which I have been interchanging parts for a good couple of years, possibly 7-8 years, but I'm not too sure if this makes a difference, I don't know my original spec but here is my spec as of now. OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.14393...