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  1. C

    Solved What should I upgrade?

    What brand you recommend corsair, EVGA or Gigabyte for the PSU? And ram is 16Go enough or 32 is a better go?
  2. C

    Solved What should I upgrade?

    Holy molly, I got an old 750w I just need to get it tested to see if it still giving. But for the RAM theres any you would suggest?
  3. C

    Solved What should I upgrade?

    Ye I saw the prices are really high rn but the website where I'm buying the stuff the card is 580€ but I only recieve it on july 2021 the same for the motherboard and CPU. If I get the card do I need to upgrade my power supply or 650 is enough for everything?
  4. C

    Solved What should I upgrade?

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to update my pc so it can run games like COD Warzone, FiveM and RedM more smoodly. This my current build: CPU Intel Core i7 6800K @ 3.40GHz Broadwell-E/EP 14nm Technology RAM 32,0GB Unknown @ 1066MHz (16-16-16-36) (G.Skill) Motherboard ASRock X99 Extreme4 (CPUSocket)...
  5. C

    Thanks a lot, the pc works very well with the 650w .

    Thanks a lot, the pc works very well with the 650w .
  6. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    Thanks for the help
  7. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    Yes, so I went to test both and the guy who did the test said the GPU is fine, its a bite rusty since it's not a recent GPU but it still fine. In other way the PSU is very unstable he says that I should get a new 1 and it would fix the problem of my pc resetting.
  8. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    I was wondering if I change my GPU for a more recent version as Gygabite GTX 2070 Super OC3 is it better if I get a new PSU and motherboard? (Or my AsRock X99 Extrême4 is OK)
  9. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    I will try to test my GPU during the week, I don't know if they do it for free here, in France. But I will try. Thanks.
  10. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    Alright, I will order a new PSU when I get home. It still less expensive then change all the config. Thanks for the information about it. I tough it was a good PSU but after seeing the review on it, I agree it's a piece of junk.
  11. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    There, my bad haven't seen it.
  12. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    I have opened my graphics and cleaned it but now I'm waiting for the thermal paste to change it. I will let you all know when I got it and test it. Thanks for the help too.
  13. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    So what you mean is I should update my config? Change my graphic card? Don't get what you trying to tell me. The games I'm trying to play don't need or ask for powerful specs.
  14. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    Oh, sorry. I was not sure so I asked my brother, he the one who bought the pc and he said it was 1060.
  15. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    Im pretty sure this is the light that turns on when the pc restart.
  16. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    I have updated recently my graphics drivers to the latest version, but the card as been always the GTX 980 Ti
  17. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    I will send some pics, when I get back from work. The red light only appears when I launch a game and the pc reboots then it stays on for 10 seconds. BTW the graphics card is really hot when this happens. Last night I launch Apex Legends to see what happens and the pc was doing well, till...
  18. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard Operating System Windows 10 Professionnel 64-bit CPU Intel Core i7 6800K @ 3.40GHz 25 °C Broadwell-E/EP 14nm Technology RAM 32,0 Go Unknown @ 1066MHz (16-16-16-36) Motherboard ASRock X99 Extreme4 (CPUSocket)...
  19. C

    Solved Red light in the motherboard

    Hello everyone, I have an issue with my pc, when I launch a game or a program my pc restart and a red light turns on in the motherboard. I don't know why but it's really annoying because I can't do anything. Specs: Intel i7-6800K 3.4GHz RAM: 32gb Power: 700w Graphic Card: Zotac 1060...