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  1. Bettley

    Solved Weird glitch appearing on my screen randomly

    It has been 7 days since driver rollback and haven't experienced glitch since. I should also note that with clean instalation of older driver i also got rid of the nvidia experience software and his overlay. Which means the culprit was either driver or software itself. Today I will install...
  2. Bettley

    My laptop keeps going to sleep

    Once again I kindly recommend you updating the bios. The problem you're describing is almost the same my friend had and was solved by updating the bios after nothing else worked for a whole year. There is plenty tutorials on youtube on how to update bios and it isn't too hard. Honestly nothing...
  3. Bettley

    Solved Weird glitch appearing on my screen randomly

    I would, but don't have that option, especialy cause of how random the glitch is. I am quite sure it's not the screen at fault, because then glitch wouldnt be limited on software window but whole screen would glitch or at least it would affect more software windows at the same time. 2 days ago...
  4. Bettley

    Solved Weird glitch appearing on my screen randomly

    I have weird glitch appearing on my screen on random occasions and I can't find the source of a problem. When it started I can't remember anything that would change in pc to cause a glitch. I tried switching software im using the most such as browser. So far glitch appeared on: opera, opera GX...
  5. Bettley

    My laptop keeps going to sleep

    Hello Once my friend had a similar problem. Sadly all i remember is the solution i found for the problem and no other details. I updated the bios. After that it never went to sleep on its own again. I hope this works for you and if you already tried that im sorry if i missed it in replies. Regards