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  1. R

    Solved dllhost.exe COM Surrogate /Processid:{49A33422-EFF8-4925-805

    Thank you guys! The problem is solved. It wasn't a virus. It was about c:\Windows\System32\iMobileDisk.dll I deleted this file and problem is solved. But I think this dll still registered how to unregiter it?..
  2. R

    Solved dllhost.exe COM Surrogate /Processid:{49A33422-EFF8-4925-805

    I found that all of that dllhost.exe processes appeared when I start my explorer.exe
  3. R

    Solved dllhost.exe COM Surrogate /Processid:{49A33422-EFF8-4925-805

    Hello I am very sorry for long answer this is the file fixlog.txt The problem still exists... This is the file fixlog.txt:
  4. R

    Solved dllhost.exe COM Surrogate /Processid:{49A33422-EFF8-4925-805

    I am very sorry this week was very busy also all of that program takes so much time for reports, next time I will be more aware about it and publish my request considering time factor. Thank you very much!
  5. R

    Solved dllhost.exe COM Surrogate /Processid:{49A33422-EFF8-4925-805

    "Followup from the OP" I am sorry but I didn't understand this part ((( I answered to you by primate mail. Thank you very much guys! The antiviturs is not installed I deleted NOD32 so i think I have to use special utility from ESET to delete nod32 totally in safe mod.
  6. R

    Solved dllhost.exe COM Surrogate /Processid:{49A33422-EFF8-4925-805

    I am sorry for my late answer. I will publish everything today.
  7. R

    Solved dllhost.exe COM Surrogate /Processid:{49A33422-EFF8-4925-805

    I just noticed that every time when I start my PC there are 4 (sometimes more) processes called dllhost.exe with a description COM Surrogate. But after 1-2 hours of working on my computer I can see about 20 dllhost.exe processes with the same call as I described below. Process hacker shows me...