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  1. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    Sorry, i had an USB stick that i downloaded the Windows 7 ISO file to and when i tried to boot it on the computer it just Said that my hdd was the wrong format instaling Windows on.
  2. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    I couldnt download Windows to my other harddrive, so basically just got stuck on installing screen
  3. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    It didnt work
  4. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    Windows 10 is on the SSD. Im trying to boot the computer to windows 7 right now, i will update you later.
  5. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    Its ironic because one of my harddrives shows up, just not the one windows is installed on.
  6. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    It didnt work either, guess i have to buy a new motherboard :/. Thanks anyway.
  7. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    Thanks, i´ve already tried changing ports and it didnt work, but i will give the batteries a try.
  8. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    since I have had this problem I have not been able to log on to windows, but the bios doesnt detect the ssd.
  9. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    i´m sorry meant motherboard:/
  10. C

    PC doesnt detect SSD.

    Hello, i recently bought a used pc and it has been working fine until yesterday when i started it and i doesnt detect my SSD. I have tried the SSD on another computer and it detected it, i have also switched cables so that isn´t the problem. I´m guessing it has something to do with the...