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  1. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    I'm not very knowledgeable about stuff like this so I just took pictures a few minutes after my pc crashed. Also I don't understand why games that I get 100-200 frames on crash my pc, but when I play rust it has never crashed me. [Edit] Here is the new Speccy link...
  2. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    Sorry that it has been a while nothing has changed about my pc it still is having problems here is the HWmonitor Screen Shots
  3. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    What do you mean?
  4. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

  5. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    Nothing for my CPU is showing up on the speedfan app
  6. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    Yeah my frames on games are really still really bad I guess we can check my temps and volts or whatever else to try and fix this problem
  7. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    I didn't make an impact on my performance so far. I am running Astroneer at 30-60 frames
  8. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    I believe the PSU is silver rated and I will test it out today to see if it made an improvement. Also I am on Balanced with the latest chipset drivers. I am probably going to buy a new motherboard even if the PSU does help just to have a more updated motherboard and so I can have a working...
  9. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    Ok I went and got a new psu its an EVGA with 600W 12v and 49 amps I have also installed it Cpu still says its at 150C on speccy which I still don't believe
  10. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    My power supply's model is hpg-600st-f12s, my motherboard should be factory settings, and I'm not really sure what is wrong with my ram(I forgot to mention I have 8 more gigs that came with the pc I don't know what it is specifically I can get or remove the ram if needed
  11. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    Ryzan master is telling me my cpu temp is 85-88
  12. J

    Pc suddenly really slow here is this its telling me my cpu is at 140+ which I don't believe, I literally did this test after my pc was off for 8 hours and even than i've never seen it that high before. Also Phillpower2 I am not sure what my PSU model name or...
  13. J

    Pc suddenly really slow

    Hi my name is Max, over the last few days my pc has been running extremely slow and I've tried everything I can think of to fix it and nothing is working. I have checked for viruses, deleted unneeded files and even gone as far as wiping everything on my hard drive. I have an Ryzen 7 2700x a RX...