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  1. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    Alright then all theres left to say is thank you, you've been a great help in figuring out what's been bothering me for ages. Keep doing what you do man.
  2. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    Ive just cleaned some more files off, one thing ive noticed and asked my friend about is that when in game the CAM overlay almost never has my gpu or cpu around 90% or 100% load even though i sometimes drop fps below 60. Do you have any idea why this is happening?
  3. C

    Thank you, the sites been great help so far.

    Thank you, the sites been great help so far.
  4. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    Alright so I installed Avast and cleaned up some stuff i deleted Totoal AV and went into my bios to see what speed my RAM was running at (it was 2133MHz, its now at 2666MHz) i also moved my ram to slots 2 and 4 it says in the link below its now working in dual channel mode but it still ony says...
  5. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    I built the computer physically but a family member whos had experience in the past helped me pick the parts, as for the windows i have no idea i think the 25th is the last time i did a windows update. As for total av i bought it last weekend as my last antivirus software ran out. I also have...
  6. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming
  7. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    Here are the screenshots sorry im not much use, thank you for bearing with me.
  8. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    Ive downloaded both SpeedFan and HWMonitor in speedfan theres only GPU HD1 HD0 and HD2 in the right side of the circle you sent me, am i setting it up right and what would you like me to screenshot you from the HWMonitor
  9. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    Thats the BIOS reset, what would you recommend i do next
  10. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    Yes the 960 Pro was on the machine. When I was in the bios the only option I found that looked related was in the save and exit tab saying 'load optimized defaults' do you think that's what I'm looking for. Also found that windows was booting for my 960 pro
  11. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    My windows is on my sandisk SSD. You make a good point with the PSU but it was an emergecy buy 2 weeks ago due to my other power supply dying on me. i did experience the same issues before changing to a different PSU. In the past when tring to increase the voltage to my CPU and GPU my computer...
  12. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    yeah my bad its a cx750 Furmark : min fps 117, average fps, 117, max fps 119 (on the preset 1080p stress test)scored 7043 Valley: FPS 89.8, score 3758, min FPS 26.5, max FPS 144.7.
  13. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    Thanks for the reply my power supply is a corsair rx750 and i dont use any direct disk games, i only seem to have an issue with more demanding games, i played destiny 2 a lot and i had absolutley no isses for example
  14. C

    Solved Need help, PC greatly underperforming when gaming

    So ive had my pc about year and a half and over the time ive had it, it performs great on most games but for example on ac origins and more recently anthem its not keeping up at all in fps. My hardware is Motherboard: Aorus ax 370 gaming k5 CPU: Ryzen 5 1600x GPU: Aorus GTX 1080 8GB RAM: 2x 16gb...