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  1. E

    New hard drive with power on hours

    Probably I'm not going to make a fuss about it. I don't think it's worth trying to return the drive.
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    New hard drive with power on hours

    I'm using the drive now. I produces some audible chirps now and then. Is this normal? From what I remember HDDs do produce some sounds. SMART still shows that the drive is OK. I'm a little bit worried, because I installed it without a rubber bracket it should be installed with. The bracket plus...
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    Solved Trying to upgrade but it's not working help?

    This can be done in the device manager. You might want to install your old graphics card back temporarily.
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    Solved Trying to upgrade but it's not working help?

    I assume you are running Windows. Check Device Manager. Does Windows recognize the new graphics card? Remove drivers from the old card and install the driver for the new card?
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    New hard drive with power on hours

    In April previous year (2022) I bought a brand new 2 TB Seagate hard drive (of an old fashioned spinning variety). I installed in my laptop today. So far everything looks fine, but... when I went into Speccy, I got the following: Power On Count 38 times Power On Time 9.0 days As far as...
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    Connect an Ethernet device to WiFi

    Thanks everyone!
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    Connect an Ethernet device to WiFi

    So a range extender with an Ethernet port can do the trick?
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    Connect an Ethernet device to WiFi

    The TV is Philips 40PFS6719/12. Can I connect a keyboard to my TV somehow to enter the WiFi password?
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    Connect an Ethernet device to WiFi

    The TV set does have a USB port. But as the TV set is pretty old I'm not sure I'll be able to find a manufacturer's certified and compatible adapter. I have a couple of spare USB dongles. Maybe I tried them before, but I don't remember the results. Also with the USB dongle I'll have to enter...
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    Connect an Ethernet device to WiFi

    Hello! I have a device which I want to connect to my WiFi network. The device in question is a 7 years old TV set. It has an Ethernet port, but no internal WiFi. The WiFi router is around 10m away. Yesterday I performed an experiment. I shared an internet connected through my old MacBook Pro...
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    A new HDD for a laptop

    I have an old laptop, HP Probook 4520s. Its HDD is failing. Each time on boot it displays a SMART warning message. Speccy shows which particular SMART parameters are out of bounds. I want to replace the HDD, perhaps by cloning it to a new one. My current HDD is 9.5mm thick. Can I use a slimmer...
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    More RAM or more serious upgrade

    Still does not work. I've returned the modules back to the seller, they are on their way back. My guess is that the modules were counterfeit. The seller listed the modules as "AMD only", though they were on my motheboard's compatibility list. Perhaps I'll buy a new motherboard. I hope DDR3 or...
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    More RAM or more serious upgrade

    Received my 2x4GB Kingston modules today. Tried to plug them into my PC. I was so sure that everything will go fine that replaced the screws on the case. No luck. The system does not work with the 8GB RAM, still does work fine with 4GB though. The modules are Kingston KVR800D2N6/4G. I tried...
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    More RAM or more serious upgrade

    The motherboard is ASRock G31M-GS R2.0 .
  15. E

    More RAM or more serious upgrade

    My motherboard does support memory up to 8GB. I've just purchased 2 more 4GB modules. These modules are explicitly specified as compatible by the motherboard manufacturer. (The manufacturer provides a list of compatible RAM modules.) Let us wait for a couple of weeks and let the modules to...
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    More RAM or more serious upgrade

    Ouch, sorry for ambiguity. My system has always been working and still works with my 2x2GB chips. It does not work with my 2x4GB chips. (Yes, I've tried them one at a time, each.) I do not have any other computer where 2x4GB chips could be tested. An article linked by gus states . I have DDR2...
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    More RAM or more serious upgrade

    Hello again, I've tried to tinker with my 2x4GB RAM chips again. No luck. The system does not even boot, no even BIOS config. My chipset is: Northbridge: Intel® G31 Southbridge: Intel® ICH7 RAM timings on my working 2x2GB RAM are: 5-5-5-15 I've tried to set timings manually. But as far as I...
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    More RAM or more serious upgrade

    Well if you go to eBay, you'll get lots of 2x4GB lots for ~$20. But all of them have a notice: AMD chipsets only. I have an Intel chipset and need non-ECC unbuffered memory. I once purchased such a lot of eBay. The RAM cards do fit into the slot but the PC does not boot. I tried tinkering with...
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    More RAM or more serious upgrade

    Hello there, I tried to post just after I registered my account, but it seems my post has been discarded without any explanation. So I'm posting it again. I have a rather old PC which has been gradually updated. So some of its parts (HDDs, PSU) are decent, some more or less alright (video...
  20. E

    Hard Drive Recommend

    Considering drive size it seems you have an SSD. Check your model and try to find some disassembly videos on YouTube. Or read documentation. In some MacBooks SSDs are soldered in. In that case upgrade is not easy at all. Not something a hobbyist can do on his own. Alternatives to internal hard...