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  1. DiViND

    PC Slowed down after cleaning.

    After ending a few background processes through task manager I've brought it down to 42C when idle, Using Microsoft edge jumps to 46-52 range. I don't know if that's normal or not, thought I'd just mention just in case. AC intput: 100-240V 10-5A, 50-60Hz DC Output: 750W (+3.3V & +5V=170W Max)
  2. DiViND

    PC Slowed down after cleaning.

    Hello, Thanks for the reply. I've got a GeForce GTX 470, runs at around 65-70C, sometimes exceeding to 75C when running a game. Around 50C when idle.
  3. DiViND

    PC Slowed down after cleaning.

    I do not perfectly understand the root of the cause so I think it's better to give you guys and idea of how this came to be; A few days ago, I've started getting crashes from playing WoW, and It wasn't much of an unexpected surprise as the interior of my PC hadn't been cleaned for about two...