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  1. A

    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    Alright thanks. I just need it to be decent and better than my last PSU. Do you think this one could stop working properly after 1 year of use (like my last PSU)?
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    It also has a warranty of 10 years.
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    I think I found a very good one. Over a thousand people have reviewed this PSU in the website I buy pc things from and the reviews say it's good. It's this one: MSI MAG A850GL, 850W, 80 Plus Gold, Modular, active PFC, black. This might be a silly question, but is there the possibility of this...
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    I finished doing everything they asked me to do today (there was more unfortunately) so all I have to do now is give them my PSU back, which is already in the box.
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    There's another identical Rm750e from the same website but it only has 1 review, the other wasn't much better, it was 4, but still. If it came without working I could just give it back and get my money back, so should I just go for this?
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    I finished doing some things they asked me to do (take some pictures of the PSU, answer some questions) and they will give the money back soon. The problem is, there were only a few left from that PSU I wanted (Corsair Rm750e) and it was all sold recently. Do any of you have any recommendations...
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    Just today I started the process to get my money back with the warranty, so I need to wait an answer to be able to put the PSU in the mail. Took a while to start doing this because of some inconveniences.
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    Since my current PSU isn't good for gaming anyway, I'll replace it because even if it's not the source of the problem it's probably still worth it. After I replace it I'll come back here.
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    not sure if it matters but everytime i turn the pc on, the display, keyboard and mouse flickers 2-5 times and it takes like 15-30 seconds until i can actually use it. also i think i said it already but when i lose signal all the lights and fans stay on but the keyboard and mouse doesnt respond...
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    Also I started losing signal in more games now, even the the lightest ones I have.
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    Why do I only lose signal most of the time in specific games though? Is a PSU really able to do that? Could another part of the hardware do that? Like the CPU? When I lose signal the air fans and the lights are all working, but the sounds from the game mostly disappear, the display stops working...
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    I only got a new ram because it's way cheaper than getting a new PSU. I reinstalled windows and I think the problem isn't fixed, so I guess the next step is to get a new PSU.
  13. A

    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    I got a new ram and installed it, did it all correctly and I still lose signal. So I guess that means ram isn't the problem. I can't lose signal because of insufficient ram can I? Do you think I should get the new PSU?
  14. A

    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    Alright. I'll do that if replacing the RAM doesn't work, if nuking windows doesn't work either I'll try replacing the PSU and if that also doesn't work I'll probably contact someone to help me.
  15. A

    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    Thanks for the elaborate answer. I'll try replacing the ram first, if that doesn't work I'll try resetting windows (I think that's what you mean by nuking it?) and if that doesn't work I'll try replacing the PSU. And by the way, when I asked if someone could just tell me the next step, I meant...
  16. A

    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    After the electricity power went out and the cooler air fan started to malfunction, if I click on the power button in the pc, it immediately turns off. This never happened before and to turn it off from the button I've always had to hold it, not click. After I turned it off by clicking it, I...
  17. A

    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    my cpu cooler is not changing speed. its going slow which is causing my cpu to get really hot. i tried increasing the speed in the bios and the speed didnt change at all. it was normal until a few minutes ago, this started after the electricity power in my house went out.
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    I cleaned it and it seems to have stopped making the weird noise for now at least. I'm really tired of losing signal already, if someone could just answer my previous messages so I can go to the next step it would be nice. Some more information, every time I lose signal, the PC fans are on, the...
  19. A

    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    My CPU air cooler is now making a weird sound. It doesn't look dirty but it's still happening. I went to bios and reset the cooler speed to normal and it's a little better now but still happening. When I restarted, the PC started to turn on and then stopped, once or twice before actually turning on.
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    Monitor losing signal in a few specific games

    Somehow I forgot to mention something important. Yesterday I lost signal in a different game that I never lost signal before. And it's a extremely light game, I don't know why it happened.