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  1. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    is there a reason why? where should i go instead?
  2. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    sorry, are you saying i should or shouldn’t go to a place like best buy
  3. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    i didn’t put everything back but i can take more out, and if not i guess i’ll have to bring it somewhere since i don’t have any extra parts
  4. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    there weren’t any changes, i turned it off and back on 5 minutes later and it was like this
  5. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    reassembled everything but still no change :(
  6. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    i dismantled everything and am waiting on some new thermal paste to ship
  7. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    no luck after removing and putting back the you either
  8. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    how do i actually reset it, do i just remove it and that’s it?
  9. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    yeah sure ignore all the extra stuff i just like keeping lists of everything i have
  10. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    yeah i built it myself i just don’t want it to clear any info or anyrhing idk how this stuff works lol
  11. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    not really sure how to do that or what that entails
  12. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    i’ve tried both monitors and a different keyboard, and what had happened is i turned my pc off and everything was fine but forgot i needed to do something so 5 minutes later got back on and suddenly nothing was working out of nowhere.
  13. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    i don’t think so not that i can tell
  14. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    no but honestly i’m probably not the greatest person to ask lol
  15. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    no luck with that either
  16. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    still nothing :/
  17. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    yeah i tried that earlier with no luck
  18. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    i tried resetting it but it didn’t seem to do anything
  19. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    motherboard is a msi tomahawk b450 atx am4 and power supply is corsair cx650m 650w
  20. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    i had turned my pc off and then back on again, but now the pc turns on (fans lights etc work) but there’s no signal to the monitors or power to the keyboard or mic, although the leds of the mouse still work for some reason. i tried unplugging everything and putting it back and disconnecting the...