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  • Users: JaidenOli
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  • Hi there and welcome to PC Help Forum (PCHF), a more effective way to get the Tech Support you need!
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  1. J

    Fan going full speed out of control

    Hi, For quite a while now there has been an issue where one of the fans on my graphics card suddenly goes up to full speed (or slightly goes up and down around that). It will get stuck up there no matter what I do, restarting computer the fan stays on the whole time never slowing. If I shut...
  2. J

    Computer gradually slows down while on until needs restarting

    Hi, I really hope someone can help me because this has been happening for about the last 2 weeks and I've tried everything I can possibly find. My problem is that when I first start my computer it runs fine, everything is smooth, I can even play most games on maximum settings and have a great...