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  1. R

    Solved I Get This Message When I On my Desktop PC. How Do I Solve it ?

    Hi all, I get this screen every time I switch on my Desktop PC. I removed my CD-Rom Drive and even cables connected to Keyboard & Mouse. But the screen still pops up every time I switch on the system. I dont have Intel Optane or SSD attached. My SMPS is 450W. No graphic cards. I just click f1...
  2. R

    Solved Power Fluctuates When Desktop PC Works on Inverter

    Hi All, I have a 2KV home inverter which is working flawlessly. But if I have noticed considerable power fluctuation if I use my desktop PC during power outage. The led tube lights and bulbs start to flicker. The ceiling fan starts to slow down as well. This happens in every room. I don't face...