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  • Hi there and welcome to PC Help Forum (PCHF), a more effective way to get the Tech Support you need!
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  1. E

    Solved Upgrading My PC

    I made a post previously on here about how to upgrade my pc but got stumped on where to find my PSU, greeted by help by many wonderful people I was also busy so had no time to open my PC and find out my PSU. I've now sat down and genuinely want to upgrade my PC I bought it roughly 4 years ago...
  2. E

    I want to upgrade my pc but don't know what to upgrade

    I have a Dell Inspiron 5675 Gaming PC, which was purchased two years ago, I think its time for updating however i'm not sure what is up-gradable on my PC and to what extent it's upgrade-able. Would love help on this.
  3. E


    I've had my Dell Inspiron 5675 Gaming PC for 2 years, the audio used to be fine, id plug my Logitech speakers in and it would be fine. Now around the summer that passed roughly, the audio started going static, and would get louder to the point no audio would come out when i'm playing games or...