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  1. Supergamezzz

    pc turns on but not monitors or keyboard

    i had turned my pc off and then back on again, but now the pc turns on (fans lights etc work) but there’s no signal to the monitors or power to the keyboard or mic, although the leds of the mouse still work for some reason. i tried unplugging everything and putting it back and disconnecting the...
  2. Supergamezzz

    Solved Mouse inputs sticking/not working when pressed

    I’ve been having issues with my mouse buttons either not responding when I press or being registered as staying held down when it’s not. I thought it was my old mouse (reddragon) so I bought a razor viper ultimate but the problem is still happening so it has to be an issue with my computer. I’ve...
  3. Supergamezzz

    Mouse inputs sticking/not working when pressed

    I’ve been having issues with my mouse buttons either not responding when I press or being registered as staying held down when it’s not. I thought it was my old mouse (reddragon) so I bought a razor viper ultimate but the problem is still happening so it has to be an issue with my computer. I’ve...