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  1. L

    GPU not being used in Windows 10

    Thanks for letting me know. I have heard that it can run pretty much fine without 300w and I found a video of someone installing one into a Optiplex 9020. Thanks for your help.
  2. L

    GPU not being used in Windows 10

    Yeah. I'm still having issues with it. Thank you for your help.
  3. L

    GPU not being used in Windows 10
  4. L

    GPU not being used in Windows 10

    My GPU is always on 0% in the task manager, even while playing games. I have a AMD Radeon HD 8490 in a Dell Optiplex 9020 SFF. Games don't play very well and I'm not sure if it is because it is not being utilised or if I just need to get a better GPU. I want to upgrade to a GTX 1050 Ti Low...