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  1. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    So far it has been running as normal, so I think it can be closed yeah. Thanks for the help everyone!
  2. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    So far, downloading a heavy game (BFV), playing another (CIV-VI) and having other programs open with no 100% freeze, seems that firmware update did some magic. (Let's hope I didn't jinx it now) Will keep the 20% free space in mind. Thanks for the help!
  3. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    I rebooted, will keep taskmanager open and use pc as normal, see if it still occurs.
  4. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    Kingston program says there is nothing wrong with it other than the temperature being a bit off, but there is a firmware update, so I'll try that. Edit: Well the firmware update literally took a second so I doubt anything significant was in it... It does say "a power cycle of the SSD is...
  5. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    I'm downloading it now, will let you know what it comes up with. Edit: Small note: it seems the 100% usage freeze occurs more frequently the longer the pc has been on for, if that helps.
  6. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    I am home for the weekend so have access to my desktop again, if it were possible to fix it that would be great yeah. I am thinking of buying a new storage drive though, if a solution can't be found, but would like to save money.
  7. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    I've been very busy with uni, sorry Is this what was requested? I don't see anything I can run anywhere.
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  9. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    These are the results, what's the next step? (Also, it's an SSD I have, not an HDD, please refer to 2nd image)
  10. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    I completed it, what's the next step? Note: according to a friend the drive is pretty much done for, and I should get a new one... I have already tried many things to fix it to no avail
  11. B

    Solved Pc randomly freezes

    Dear pchelpforum I'm having issues with my desktop as it started randomly freezing several weeks ago. This started happening after having had to replace my HDD that became corrupt, I then got an SSD. The pc freezes when using any program or even performing simple actions, from 2-15 seconds and...